Part 2 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp... APRIL 2016

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"The Pestkop bacterium - (bully)" (part 2)

With a good microscope and a camera, every vet in the position should be to determine the existence of the Pestkop bacteria. In case of doubt, also a bacteriological examination can be performed. I hear sometimes from growers allowing only examine the feces her veterinarian that is but insufficient. The sample should be taken from the respiratory way channel. At the same time, also a resistance provision should be made to see which antibiotic can be used here. In practice, we find here frequently asked Resisentenzen against enrofloxacin (Baytril), even often with German breeders. Unfortunately, Baytril is still a panacea for many enthusiasts, because they believe that you get the racing pigeons so fast in drive. In part this is really the case, also has the active ingredient against "Bully". The bacterium is not in fact new, but is found in the pigeon sport for years. It very often happens that many lovers do not adhere to the prescribed dosage. I hear a lot of lovers who give only the half dose, because they are afraid to do something wrong. This is of course only silly. The wrong dose only contributes to the formation of resistance. The same applies for breeders, often other preparations such as doxycycline or amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, ampicillin containing insert. Many of these compounds have simply have no effect on the pathogen. Is so important to find the correct treatment method and at the same time to start the development of the immune system. As long as the immune system and the resistance force not at full strength was restored, it is dangerous einzukorben the pigeons to competitions again. As long as the pathogen and was turned off completely and the immune system not to 100% in time is, make these pigeons also a danger for other pigeons, for example for transport in the cabin express there



It should be clear that it is very important, that the growers to invest enough time and energy in improving the health of their birds. In addition to the increase of the resistance force through specific herbal drinks for this purpose, you can support the use of probiotics and Prebiotics. A good and healthy intestinal flora of pigeons here is very useful. But a so-called "Kürchen" can trigger, because you'd think once again having to do something for the air passages, again the problem with the Pestkop bacteria. There is no reason in such cases to panic, but you should approach more carefully and with more intelligence to the administering of drugs, before again something lands in the potions, which just does not belong. It is not free: ask your doctor or pharmacist.



We want to make the problem no bigger than it is. The presence of these bacteria to the standard is made systematically at each examination in our clinic. Currently, we find these germs in about 25 to 30% of the pigeons. It weighs in the majority of mild infections. We see only problems occur when exceeds the infection on a scale of 0 to 10, the mark 6 . This is the case in about 6 to 10% of the samples. In the more severe cases, the benefits go back drastig and the number of pigeons, who lost during the flights, can be dramatically high. There are stocks, where these infection only in a limited part of the pigeons is detectable. The other pigeons can (still) good services. But later, usually the entire inventory is affected when you intervene in a timely manner.


Virkon S®

Once an infection has been demonstrated with this bacterium, it is important to disinfect the blows well. In my practice, I recommend the product of Virkon S® with which I've had very good experiences. The probability of the return of the bacteria are quite low after a good disinfection. Other disinfectants may have of course also a good effect. It is important that you note exactly the packaging leaflet so that disinfection also acts. For products that are resolved with water, it is therefore necessary to the correct mixing ratio and the contact time to ensure.


A note for the breeders

As already mentioned, is no reason to panic, when the Pestkop bacterium was detected. In people with healthy immune systems, these pathogens can create no problems. If one however is in treatment with a lung disease or for cancer chemotherapy had to undergo, one should be particularly careful with the care of his pigeons. In fact, in such cases, the bacteria can cause problems. A visitor of my practice about chronic weight loss suffered in May last year. A doctor had found these bacteria, but dismissed it as irrelevant. I immediately asked this breeder to see a lung specialist. The specialist prescribed him an Antibiotkum over a period of three months later. After two months of treatment the bacterium was not detectable at the man and then he rose again to weight. For me, it was clear that this problem is medically underestimated in some cases. Was a grandmother of my family at the time were detected the bacteria in an infected leg. The old lady died later from blood poisoning. As mentioned, there are about 200 different strains of this bacteria that are known to us physicians. They can occur anywhere. Since these bacteria are so widespread, they occur usually in people with a weakened immune system. If we look at the salmonella bacteria, then we can see hundreds of tribes. In the various species and humans are more pathogenic variants. In pigeons is but only a variant of interest, namely "Salmonella typhimurium diversity Copenhagen". The other strains cause no problems with pigeons, as far as is known.

Pigeon racing is competitive sports. It is now clear that problem, such as in the "Pestkop bacteria" must be found early. Sick pigeons, you have no friends in the pigeon sport. This problem can be solved with health care. The unkontrolliere administration of antibiotics helps anyone in the long term. Just this bacterium is the living proof that the arbitrary use of antibiotics makes almost unsolvable problem. You can end up so in a vicious circle, where you can stop the problem only through the proper diagnosis and specific treatment.


Have you not read the 1st part of the report?

You can find it here…(click)


In the book ' Duiven gezond houden' some chapters are gewitmet of Pestkop bacteria.



Good luck


Peter Boskamp


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Boskamp marz 2014

Pigeon vet Center

Julianalaan 7a, 6191 AL BEEK (Limburg) NL
Phone: 0031 46 4371885
Fax: 0031 46 4360346


The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnBoskamp at research1en. The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application. We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season. In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail.
"Regular health checks of the pigeons is the basis for good flight performance"

Office hours:

We have three daily office hours from Monday to Friday:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 - 09.30 and 18.00 - 19.00
Tuesday: 13.00 - 13.30
Thursday: 09.00 - 09.30 and * 18:00 - 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional office hours for vaccinations from 11.30 to 12.00 uh

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