Category archives: Short messages

  • For the 2024 young pigeon season - Vanrobaeys Health Care...

    For the 2024 young pigeon season – Vanrobaeys Health Care…

    Vanrobaeys brewer's yeast contains: Amino acids minerals This year-round natural product contains valuable amino acids, minerals, trace elements and the vitamins of the B complex in high concentration. Instructions for use: 2 tablespoons / 1kg Vanrobaeys pigeon feed - moisten beforehand with e.g. Vanrobaeys garlic juice Breeding + moulting: 2 x per week Travel time: on return and the day after return The Vanrobaeys bath salt takes care of it…

  • Young pigeons 2024: feeding concept in the training phase...

    Young pigeons 2024: feeding concept in the training phase…

    Am Anfang der Trainingsphase sollten die Jungen bereits an den Trainingskorb gewöhnt werden. Als Futter empfiehlt sich eine leichtere Mischung, um die Tauben „ans Ziehen“ zu kriegen. Wenn sich dann eine erhöhte Flugfreude eingestellt hat, muss diese in Form einer Zulage von fetthaltigen Körnern Rechnung getragen werden. Sollten die

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 07/20/2024 and 07/21/2024. Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg 20.07.2024 Stargard (343 km) FG 830 Tauben 4-5-15-16-17.17-20-21-26-29-36-37-44-45-49-54-91 usw. (31/44) 20.07.2024 Stargard (343 km) RV 122 Jährige 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-17-25-26-37-41 (13/23) Eichenlaub, Manfred – Osloß 21.07.2024 Beeskow (257 km) RV 414 Tauben 4-5-6-12a-12b-15-16-17-22-23-30-33-44-46 usw. (21/31) Niemeyer,

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 13/07/2024 and 14/07/2024. Niemeyer, Eike & Oliver – Witten July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km) RV 324 pigeons 1-16-30-35-36-37-38-47-48-50-59-70 etc. (17/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen -Baie (342 km) FG 1,134 pigeons 1-51-79-90-92-94-96-114-116-120-140 etc. (18/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km) RegV. 1,848 pigeons 1-69-113-135-137-140-142-179-181-185 etc. (18/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km)…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the peak results from the weekend of 06/07/2024 and 07/07/2024. Niemeyer, Eike & Oliver – Witten July 8th, 2024 Plattling (501 km) RV 395 pigeons 17-20-23-26-37-42-48-49-69 etc. (17/40) SG Weber & Kleekamp – Recklinghausen 07.07.2024 Bamberg (329 km) FG 757 pigeons 1-16-17-18-19-23-29-31-34-51-52-61-62-63-76-96-94-97- 98 etc. (30/53) July 7th, 2024 Bamberg (329 km) RegV. 2,079 pigeons…

  • LIMOGES II - National victories with BEYERS...

    LIMOGES II – National victories with BEYERS…

    A total of 13,727 pigeons (6,889 old pigeons and 6,838 yearlings) were basketed for LIMOGES II last Wednesday. Weather conditions at release on Friday: blue sky and sunny periods, no wind, good visibility. Beard & Nance Van Oeckel (Oud-Turnhout) became the Belgian national winner in the “Old Pigeons” category. Your pigeon “BLEU WHITE PEN”…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 06/29/2024 and 06/30/2024. Standke, Horst – Mettmann 06/30/2024 Aurach (369 km) RV Mettmann 285 pigeons 1-2-5-6-12-15-20-25-28-57 (11/10) Brinker, Wolfgang – Vechta-Spreda 06/29/2024 Rastatt (445 km) RV 337 pigeons 1-4-6-7-9-12-15-16-18-21-23-28-30-31 etc. (27/42) Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg 29/06/2024 Bydgoszcz (532 km) TG 1.324…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 06/22/2024 and 06/23/2024. Brinker, Wolfgang – Vechta-Spreda June 23rd, 2024 Bad Kreuznach (336 km) RV 384 pigeons 1-2-3-4-5-7-9-10-13-16-17-18-27-28-29 etc. (29/43) SG Weber & Kleekamp – Recklinghausen 06/23/2024 Amberg (422 km) RV 404 pigeons 1-2-3-8-12-13-14-20-23-24-31-32-36-45-53-54-55-61- 63-64-67-68-73-75-77 etc. (35/56) 06/23/2024 Amberg (422 km) FG 1,034 pigeons 1-2-6-14-22-23-26-41-48-49 -60-61-72-90 etc.…

  • Van Gil's J.W. (Oosterhout, the Netherlands) wins the 1st International Pau...

    Van Gil's J.W. (Oosterhout, the Netherlands) wins the 1st International Pau…

    Pau is a Catalan municipality in the province of Girona, northeastern Spain. Pau is not only known as the traditional launching point for international races but also as the arrival point of a Tour de France stage. The international long distance season traditionally opens with this classic. Pau stands in line in terms of sporting importance…

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