Travel successfully with Mifuma – SG Rolf and Elvira Nieland…

SG Elvira and Rolf Nieland fly from the far north to the top of the rankings. 2023 was their best year of travel for the couple and they are rightly proud of that. “2022, 2020 and 2018 have already been great years. We also have an Olympic pigeon for Romania in 2020 and 2021. But 2023 topped everything again.”

The two have been relying on Mifuma food for years. “For the trip we rely on relaxation, energy and a power mix. We always feed you enough. At the beginning of the week light feed from Tuesday the mixture is increased." On the short distance there is a system with Relax and Energy, on the long distance they switch to Relax and Power Mix. “We pay attention to fatty mixtures in the trip and this is due to the rich components such as the top corn at Mifuma,” says Nielands. But they don't just get the right food, they also get their pigeons in top shape with regular training: “We train twice a day in the morning and evening at home, that's our recipe for success. In addition, the pigeon must be healthy. You need the feeling and the eye for that.” And they also rely on relaxation and energy for their young pigeon team during the trip and are very satisfied with that.

During breeding and during moulting, there is a special breeding and moulting class for your pigeons. “For us it is the best feed on the market. The pigeons need corn and peas to moult. They are contained there, and in exclusive quality.” For your breeding pigeons it can also be protein-rich food, of course there is only breeding + moulting special class in the trough!

RV: Aurich
RegV: 259 Ost-Friesland
Direction of travel: South-West

Results (selection):
1st RV champions
1. Regional champion
1st Lower Saxony champions
2nd Association Yearling Championship
9th German VB Championship
1. Deutsche Ladies-League


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