Category archives: Events

  • 75 years of Röhnfried...

    75 years of Röhnfried…

    Röhnfried As one of the first providers of supplementary feed for racing pigeons, pedigree pigeons, poultry and rabbits in Germany, the Röhnfried company has been a pioneer for performance-oriented nutrition and a partner in problem solving in sport and breeding right from the start. Röhnfried® belongs to Dr. Hesse Tierpharma GmbH & Co. KG, an established company…

  • New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup Mischfutter Werke Mannheim GmbH is introducing its own new racing pigeon championship in collaboration with This competition is open free of charge to all breeders who are organized in the Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders. To do this, submit your results to the product manager for racing pigeon food, Robert Maaß, at the end of the traveling season. The…

  • 2. PIGEON CAR RACE 2024...

    2. PIGEON CAR RACE 2024…

    The “Friends of the Carrier Pigeon Cultural Heritage” founded the non-profit association of the same name in December 2022 to preserve the carrier pigeon cultural heritage through public events and promote it for the future. One of the first of these events was the “Pigeon Car Race” held on July 30, 2023, an extraordinary cross-regional race from Osterhofen…

  • In-house exhibition 2024 on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024...

    In-house exhibition 2024 on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024…

    The Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders cordially invites you to the in-house exhibition on the premises of the office and the pigeon clinic! We are from 9:00 – 3 p.m. yours and your hosts are welcome. From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., a young pigeon fair, the veterinarians and some industry exhibitors await you…

  • A visit to the spring fair at Expo Houten-NL is worth it!

    A visit to the spring fair at Expo Houten-NL is worth it!

    Now that the temperatures outside are slowly rising again, we are already thinking about the coming season with the pigeons. The starting signal for this has been given at Expo Houten for many years, and this is also the case now. With more than 170 exhibitors, the starting signal for the coming season has been given.…

  • Spring Fair Houten 2024...

    Houten Spring Fair 2024…

    More than 170 exhibitors are at the spring fair in Expo Houten/NL on March 2nd and 3rd, 2024! It promises to be another traditionally interesting spring fair at Expo Houten. The manufacturers of pigeon feed and other products registered in time in the fall. They are waiting with impressive…

  • IMPRESSIONS Olympics 2024 Maastricht...

    IMPRESSIONS Olympics 2024 Maastricht…

    From January 26th to 28th, the Dutch Pigeon Sports Association NPO organized the 38th Olympiad in Maastricht (Netherlands). During the Olympics, visitors had the opportunity to meet pigeon fanciers from all over the world. Three days for exchanging information and knowledge. NPO hosted various activities including the Olympiad exhibition, a trade fair, the FCI Congress, a…

  • 38th Homing Pigeon Olympics in Maastricht, NL...

    38th Homing Pigeon Olympics in Maastricht, NL…

    From January 26th to 28th, 2024, the NPO will host the 38th Olympics in the Netherlands. During the Olympiad, MECC Maastricht will host various activities, such as the Olympiad exhibition, a trade fair, the FCI Congress and the veterinary conference, as well as numerous award ceremonies, including honoring the champions of the world's best pigeon, sports and standard Olympiad classes. A varied one…

  • German racing pigeon exhibition on December 16th and 17th, 2023...

    German carrier pigeon exhibition on December 16th and 17th, 2023…

    On December 16th and 17th, 2023, the Ruhr metropolis of Dortmund will be in the spotlight of German and international racing pigeon breeders. The Dortmund trade fair is opening its doors on these days for the German Carrier Pigeon Exhibition (DBA). The Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders e.V. is looking forward to the traditional one again on December 16th and 17th, 2023…

  • Final standings - TIPES racing pigeon market championship 2023...

    Final score – TIPES racing pigeon market championship 2023…

    For 7 years now, all racing pigeon breeders have been able to take part in the “TIPES racing pigeon market championship”, regardless of whether they use the Tipes registration system or not. One of the most interesting awards in German racing pigeon racing has also been announced for the 2023 travel year and the winners have been chosen*. (*Legal recourse is excluded. The participants recognize this…

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