APRIL 2016 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...

boskamp newsletter


"The Pestkop bacterium - (bully)" (I)

I have in my newsletters often said that pigeons can carry a lot of potential pathogenic bacteria in without having these fortunately cause equal to diseases. Whether and to what extent these pathogens cause problems depends on several factors. We read in the newspapers or see on the news often reports that report on infectious diseases such as cholera in areas where a natural disaster has occurred. These infections are usually not so "asleep" as infections in pigeons. Only if the conditions allow it they can have harmful effect.


Type "Pestkop"

Infections that can be present in pigeons, are cause immediately visible diseases without for example, Coccidiosis, Trichomonads, Hexamites, streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and even salmonella. But also "Pestkop". "Pseudomonas Aeruginosa" is the official name of the Pestkop bacteria. Probably only one of about 200 different tribes that exist by this bacterium, affects the pigeons. We had them perform DNA typing of Pseudomonas tribe. It only a particular variant occurred so far every time, the ATCC 10145. The repetition of this study must help yet one determine whether doves are always the same root.


These Pestkop-bacteria may cause problems during the Wettflüge. If this is the case depends also of other circumstances but also, to what extent, this bacterium is present. More often, in cold and wet conditions, we see this bacterium. In the summer months this bacterium usually no problems. The problems are lower than at the beginning of spring and the end of winter in the hot season.


As well as Trichomonas or coccidia a small presence in the Pestkop bacterium is slightly alarming. In fact, the presence of a larger number of these bacteria as a benign phenomenon was dismissed until recently. This bacteria causes diseases like blood poisoning (sepsis) or pneumonia, with often fatal outcome only under certain circumstances. The presence of the bacteria in humans is often regarded as a sign of a poor immune system. Since typical symptoms with many other bacteria in conjunction are brought we see this bacterium not in many textbooks.


That does not mean that the bacteria in the pigeon sport is insignificant. The opposite is proven almost daily. A large number of pigeon breeders, who barely make it into the prices have to come to suffer from this bacterium. As soon as the infection pressure was eliminated the problems were with the pigeons of the past.
So we obviously not ill see a bacteria that may be present in the winter months however on the Loft makes. Only on closer inspection, it becomes clear that the pigeons are not really in good shape.
The same doves fail in the spring as soon as the Wettflüge have started. Not only that they fly no prizes, but a large number of pigeons coming only days later home or stay out.


We saw in the last few years lovers went from vet to vet, to their animals against infections “to treat the respiratory tract". Often with disappointing or short-term results. Then back to the nearest veterinarian with again a new opiate. The animal doctor who accidentally gave the appropriate active ingredient against this bacterium was the largest for this moment.
But because the cause was not handled it was marked by the mistake just a short attempt.
Wird die Pestkop-Bakterie festgestellt ist ein gezieltes Vorgehen notwendig. Eine willkürliche Behandlung kann nur ein Strohfeuer auslösen.


In the book ' Duiven gezond houden' some chapters are gewitmet of Pestkop bacteria.



Good luck


Peter Boskamp


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Boskamp marz 2014

Pigeon vet Center

Julianalaan 7a, 6191 AL BEEK (Limburg) NL
E-mail: Info@pigeonvetcenter.com
Phone: 0031 46 4371885
Fax: 0031 46 4360346


The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnBoskamp at research1en. The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application. We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season. In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance occur.consulting P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail.
"Regular health checks of the pigeons is the basis for good flight performance"

Office hours:

We have three daily office hours from Monday to Friday:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 - 09.30 and 18.00 - 19.00
Tuesday: 13.00 - 13.30
Thursday: 09.00 - 09.30 and * 18:00 - 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional office hours for vaccinations from 11.30 to 12.00 uh

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