
  • For the 2024 young pigeon season - Vanrobaeys Health Care...

    For the 2024 young pigeon season – Vanrobaeys Health Care…

    Vanrobaeys brewer's yeast contains: Amino acids minerals This year-round natural product contains valuable amino acids, minerals, trace elements and the vitamins of the B complex in high concentration. Instructions for use: 2 tablespoons / 1kg Vanrobaeys pigeon feed - moisten beforehand with e.g. Vanrobaeys garlic juice Breeding + moulting: 2 x per week Travel time: on return and the day after return The Vanrobaeys bath salt takes care of it…

  • MIFUMA - Vital Power Grit and Vital Power Stone...

    MIFUMA – Vital Power Grit and Vital Power Stone…

    Vital-Power-Grit Unser kleinkörniger Grit für Tauben wird hergestellt auf Basis von Korallalgen in Kombination mit wertvollen Rohstoffen wie helle Muschelschalen, gelbe Schalen, Rotstein, Austernschalen, Magensteinchen und Kalksteine. Durch Aktivkohle mit hoher Bindungskraft können Schadstoffe bei einem gut gebundenen Kotbild ausgeschieden werden. Die enthaltenen, säurebeständigen Magensteine sind für alle Tauben

  • Young pigeons 2024: feeding concept in the training phase...

    Young pigeons 2024: feeding concept in the training phase…

    Am Anfang der Trainingsphase sollten die Jungen bereits an den Trainingskorb gewöhnt werden. Als Futter empfiehlt sich eine leichtere Mischung, um die Tauben „ans Ziehen“ zu kriegen. Wenn sich dann eine erhöhte Flugfreude eingestellt hat, muss diese in Form einer Zulage von fetthaltigen Körnern Rechnung getragen werden. Sollten die

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 07/20/2024 and 07/21/2024. Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg 20.07.2024 Stargard (343 km) FG 830 Tauben 4-5-15-16-17.17-20-21-26-29-36-37-44-45-49-54-91 usw. (31/44) 20.07.2024 Stargard (343 km) RV 122 Jährige 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-17-25-26-37-41 (13/23) Eichenlaub, Manfred – Osloß 21.07.2024 Beeskow (257 km) RV 414 Tauben 4-5-6-12a-12b-15-16-17-22-23-30-33-44-46 usw. (21/31) Niemeyer,

  • For the young pigeon flights 2024 - Activate the young pigeons' immune system now...

    For the young pigeon flights 2024 – activate the immune system of young pigeons now…

    today a powerful and activated immune system decides on victory or defeat. Or better said, on absolute top form with consistent top prices. The science reported in recent years, tremendous gains knowledge in the field of activation of the active and passive immune system. That's why we use to activate the immune system beta-glucans (β-glucans)…

  • The recipe for success for the young pigeons 2024!!! KLAUS SILBERPFEIL TURBO RR...

    The recipe for success for the young pigeons 2024!!! KLAUS SILBERPFEIL TURBO RR…

    In addition to free amino acids, Silver Arrow Turbo also contains peptides created by hydrolysis and the trace elements iron and iodine. Vitamins A-D3-E are also included. This new and unique composition can only be found in the Silver Arrow Turbo RR. The product was developed as a feed supplement. It is particularly suitable for racing and the resulting regeneration. Silver Arrow…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 13/07/2024 and 14/07/2024. Niemeyer, Eike & Oliver – Witten July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km) RV 324 pigeons 1-16-30-35-36-37-38-47-48-50-59-70 etc. (17/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen -Baie (342 km) FG 1,134 pigeons 1-51-79-90-92-94-96-114-116-120-140 etc. (18/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km) RegV. 1,848 pigeons 1-69-113-135-137-140-142-179-181-185 etc. (18/40) July 14th, 2024 Erlangen-Baie (342 km)…

  • MIFUMA Oremin...

    MIFUMA Oremin…

    Oremin is a specialty from Betz's former carrier pigeon program. The powerhouse contains important stomach-friendly minerals from various combined sources and in different degrees of hardness as well as stomach stones for mechanical crushing. The mineral mixture consists of coral algae, seeds and mineral pellets for a valuable and first-class supply of vital substances. Oregano essential oils gently stimulate digestion. The…

  • In JULY 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

    In JULY 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

    Endoparasites I would only like to discuss the types of worms that occur in our regions. The worms commonly found in pigeons are nematodes such as the roundworm or hairworm. The tapeworm belongs to the cestodes and the pigeon bone belongs to the trematodes (flukeworms). Worm infections are still regularly detected. What strikes me is that…

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