Here you can read the new Röhnfried Courier 2025…(click)
As one of the first providers of complementary feed for pigeons, pigeons, poultry and rabbits in Germany the company Röhnfried from the outset pioneer in performance-based diet and partners on issues of problem solving in sport and breeding. Röhnfried® belongs to Dr. Hesse animal Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, an established company with vast experience in the production of functional feed supplement and pharmaceutical products.
At the center of all activities from the beginning was to the health, performance and vitality of the animals. Today is produced by our holistic view of the animals and the combination of scientific knowledge with the daily practice, for example, of breeders, biologists and veterinarians, a bundled which is recognized around the world know-how. Then, as now is the Dr. Hesse animal Pharma a company that always sets itself the task of being active in the development and research.
Knowledge, know-how and commitment to your success ...
Aus der heutigen Zucht sind Ergänzungsfuttermittel nicht mehr wegzudenken. Mit Röhnfried® gehörten wir zum Kreis der ersten Hersteller in diesem Marktsegment und schufen ein Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der ausgewogenen Ernährung des Tieres. Das Sortiment entwickelte sich mit den Ansprüchen unserer Kunden weiter und umfasst heute eine Vielzahl von Produkten, überwiegend mit Kräuteranteil, in höchster Qualität.
Our range is now complemented by useful and effective products for the care and to repel insects. The latest developments and research aimed at a possible relieve symptoms by herbal and natural ingredients. We have already achieved remarkable results and translate them into innovative products.
Try us, you will be amazed ...
Our contact person in the office and field staff will be happy to help and advice.
office staff

Frederik Wolf
Product Manager pigeons
Tel: +49 (0) 48 26 – 86 10 26
Fax: +49 (0) 48 26 – 86 10 10
Email: fwolf@roehnfried.de

Lara Gringel
Head of order management & Export
Do you want to trade our products? Talk to me
eMail: lgringel@drht.de
Telephone: +49 4826 86 10 12
Dr. Hesse Tierpharma GmbH & Co. KG
Kieler Straße 36a
25551 Hohenlockstedt (Germany)
E-Mail: info@roehnfried.de
Telephone: 04826/8610-0
(Weekdays 8-16 pm)
Telefax: 04826/8610-1