Tag archives: Röhnfried

  • Berger Alfred - job - family - pigeon sport!

    Alfred Berger – job – family – Pigeon racing!

    6 distance flights - 12 first bankruptcies The headline should form the catchphrase during my visit to Winseldorf (south of Hohenlockstedt). Here I visited the successful pigeon fancier and managing director of the Röhnfried company, Alfred Berger. This year he traveled very successfully in the Itzehoe travel association, Regionalverband 100 Schleswig-Holstein. In the…

  • The new RÖHNFRIED COURIER 2021 ...

    The new RÖHNFRIED COURIER 2021…

    SARS-CoV-2 – A virus that paralyzes a lot Dear sports fans, The past year has brought about many changes in the world, including the world of racing pigeon lovers. Despite all the restrictions that have been imposed on us since spring, we were able to complete a large part of our long-distance flights, albeit with a delay.…

  • Focus on breeding - Alfred Berger asks ...

    Focus on breeding - Alfred Berger asks…

    Alfred Berger discusses with breeders of the Röhnfried Racing Team and learns in this format from "Berger asks" which aspects of breeding are in focus in order to breed good racing pigeons in the long term. This DVD gives you, for the first time, unedited insights into the concepts, thoughts and procedures of these top breeders. They find out,…

  • IMMUNE COMPETENCE - Alfred Berger ...

    IMMUNKOMPETENZ – by Alfred Berger…

    today a powerful and activated immune system decides on victory or defeat. Or better said, on absolute top form with consistent top prices. The science reported in recent years, tremendous gains knowledge in the field of activation of the active and passive immune system. That's why we use to activate the immune system beta-glucans (β-glucans)…

  • Röhnfried breeding package - for perfect breeding

    Röhnfried breeding package - for perfect breeding

    Attention: With this package you save € 14.90 compared to buying it individually. You will also receive the goods free of charge. The Röhnfried grow package consists of: 1x OptiBreed 1000g 1x Taubenfit E-50 250ml 1x Entrobac 600g 1x Lickstone approx. 5.5kg Röhnfried grow package = promotes growth Röhnfried grow package = promotes digestion Röhnfried grow package =…

  • Vaccinations - Alfred Berger ...

    Vaccinations – by Alfred Berger…

    Each pigeon fancier wants pigeons reach the very good flight and breeding achievements. There are many factors that influence this, most of which are breeders dependent. Pigeons quality (correct selection), quality of the blow, motivation, training or impact management play a major role. However, all these factors are worthless if the health of the…

  • Pest control: Mitex stops the red poultry mite!

    Pest control: Mitex stops the red poultry mite!

    They feed on blood, are barely visible to the naked eye, and extremely tenacious when it comes to getting their prey. Like vampires they come out at night and silently fall on their sleeping victims. During the day the parasites hide in nest boxes, small crevices in the wood,…

  • Comb. Derycke-Schieman...

    Comb. Derycke-Schieman…

    Top pigeon sport in the province of Zealand… Derycke-Schieman, this combination is formed by the vet Patrick Derycke and the Schieman family and they are obviously doing a lot right. Patrick took care of the reinforcement of the stock and owns the old base of Gaby Vandenabeele. He also has support from Bruno Bucher…

  • The immune system support using a good intestinal health - by Alfred Berger ...

    The immune system support using a good intestinal health – by Alfred Berger…

    Über Sieg oder Niederlage, oder besser gesagt über absolute Topform mit beständigen Spitzenpreisen oder normaler belastbarer Darmgesundheit, entscheidet heute mehr denn je ein leistungsfähiges und aktiviertes Immunsystem. Dabei verzeichnet die Wissenschaft in den letzten Jahren enorme Erkenntnisgewinne auf dem Gebiet der Aktivierung des aktiven und passiven Immunsystems. Deswegen nutzen

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