In APRIL 2015 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

In July 2014 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

Molds and yeasts


There are pathogens pigeons we on the one hand not to downplay that, but what we on the other hand also not to overestimate the importance of. Molds and yeasts are an example thereof.

Some time ago, I read an article of a Microbiologen who said that if all life on Earth was nearly wiped out, the mould and yeast fungi would remain. They are the garbage of nature in principle. They are everywhere present and noticeable where they can. A large number of yeast and mold play a role in the food industry, but also in medicine, think for example of the penicillin-producing molds of the genus of Ascomycetes. Fungi such as the mushroom, Maitake, etc are also among the mold. These fungi form only a small part of the mold. You are the fruiting bodies of the mold. The rest is in the form of mould filaments under the Earth. The part of the science which is engaged in mold called Mycology, by the way.

Mold happen in all sorts and sizes. One is amazed well when you open a Petri dish with Sabouraud agar (a medium for mould) for a short time in a clean room, which is normally heated, so the mold marks that hover in the air can land on the pan. When this bowl for some time in an incubator is a wide range of mold that are grown. You don't need to questions what would be the result if one performs a such a test on a fairly wet and cold pigeon loft. Now, not all these molds are pathogenic for a long time. But still get this mold sometimes when the pigeons in the body. Among others in the craw. So, pigeons can get also pathogenic mold and fungi. The Candida albicans is one. There are over 200 species of Candida. However, only the Candida albicans is associated with diseases in humans and animals. Craw examination, but also by the droppings this yeast in pigeons can be demonstrated.

These pigeons must be or be not necessarily ill. These yeast just wait his time up to the moment where the conditions are good for further development. If he gets his chance is the yeast fungus determined not by let go that. In a healthy crop and intestinal environment other good intestinal bacteria will make it difficult these yeast fungi in competition. As long as the balance remains intact, not so much is going on. Antibiotics disturb this balance however. The good intestinal bacteria which also fall for a cure, then less brake a proliferation of Candida this. This is also the reason that after an Antibiotikakur sometimes infections with Candida albicans and other moulds and yeasts can occur. These infections can be quite persistent.

The defense of pigeons is so undermined by disease which was reason for the antibiotic treatment. This defense is also undermined by the partial destruction of the good flora in the crop and intestinal. The yeast infection will do no good defense. Now, the yeast fungus of Candida albicans has also the power to a sgn. Mycelium forms. This is a network of mould filaments. This mould filaments can flood the entire body at a greatly reduced defense. There is no question the patient's will have difficult to this well to fight back. Externally, there are still normal pigeons. But in relation to services, they are very quickly fail. These pigeons can be difficult in the form. The reason for this is simple. To overcome in his attempts to the mold of the Defense organ of the pigeon will need extra energy to do its job properly. Not even uses the energy that must flow towards defense to get into shape.

Also there is still mold toxins produce that may be stressful to the liver. This is in itself Formhemmend.
Fatigue is one of the symptoms that can occur with fungal infections. This is hard to measure in pigeons. It is but to see in a reduced training mood and poor flight performance. The circle is then again quickly. Because the pigeons that are weakened will catch again faster other infection by a mold infection in the baskets. The downward spiral has begun. Because thought not directly to a mold component but mainly on the symptoms of E.g. the air passages that occur after the flights will soon again decided to make a new cure for these problems. Not knowing that the problems this can be worse. And there's a (mostly young) pigeon with fittings in the beak. That can be found in Herpes infections and bad yellow infections but sometimes. These causes must be excluded then first fittings in the beak. Candida occurs also with healthy pigeons. A Candida infection can man cultivate large amounts of Candida from the crop. Means of cytologischer examination of a smear of goiter are also massal after denying these yeast fungi in heavy infections.

The excessive use of antibiotics can be reason for the formation of Darmcandidiasis. Often, these pigeons have a terrible defense by the fierce elicit of the intestinal flora. This can then lead to the emergence of other infections. The breeder will often try this with antibiotics to fight, with all the undesirable consequences. It takes time to get off this vicious circle out. Time during the flying season usually does not have or does not want to treat yourself.


If a bad Candida albicans infection is detected in pigeons, one should consider himself well that usually involves a secundaire disease. In these cases should be on the search for the primary cause. An excessive use of antibiotics on the growth and development of this noticed how can be also free yeast fungi. This should be a 'wake-up call' that he is perhaps something very wrong for the grower is faced with this. Often it concerns doves trying to combat by air issue with repeated Antibiotikakuren with this attention sufficient to support the body's defense of pigeons (during the season).

The need for this Kürchen is often in the ventilation on the Loft. The bad ventilation ensures a repeated of airway problems occur. The cause must then not be looked for infections of the respiratory tract. Of course, the bad ventilation on Loft will be more reason for infections of the respiratory tract in pigeons, it must be however not rule. For this breeder that is regularly surrounded by air Kuerchen already almost necessary to 'do with'. It is but just that excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics which paves the way for the development of this type of yeast infection. The way is starting down this. Often it's enough to the defense of pigeons to support to push back the yeast infections. Old remedies such as lugol's or other end of iodine containing drugs this can prove their services. There are also disinfectant that have proved their usefulness in crop infections.

Of course, there are also mold-killing agents. The sgn. Antimyotica. Nystatin is an example thereof. Although this product works well I prefer to of not suitable and unsuitable to use, as I happen to often see in practice. Because there are not many Antimyotika. Through excessive use of these remedies for infections also different easy-to-handle, we have the risk that we here get to do in the near future with increasing resistance to these agents.

An unwanted situation.

The practice teaches that iodine containing end herbal drinks that do this just as often support the defenses are effective as various Antimyotika. Because the Antimyotika while taking away the mold but often leave the primary cause of the problem alone. The primary cause is just reason to reduce the Defense could cause the mold infection.

Wil make a mold Infektin with combat drugs, then these should be ministered unto often long before they are sufficiently effective. The use of Nystatin Kürchen as I often see them in practice are usually short and this increases the risk of resistance forming.
My advice, considering the risk of resistance to this medium, is not suitable and unsuitable then Nystatin to use in preventive Kürchen, as long as other options are still open.

The moral of this story:

Yeast infections can cause problems, but on the average beat, it is so bad. Problems arise only when lengthy irresponsible Antibiotikabenutzung and undermines the defences of the pigeons in the intestine. One has with this problem to do then you should yourself the time this vicious circle to break through the intestinal flora to assist with Prebiotics and probiotics. Their services can prove this also iodine containing end of herbal drinks. The use of Nystatin should be limited to problem impacts that are no longer helping in other ways. To point attention to the rear this (airing) problem in the cases of excessive antibiotic use as the cause of this Candida infections are, should not be missed. Good disinfection of the shock may also not missing in the treatment of this problem.

Best of luck,

Peter Boskamp

Opening hours

Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 - 09.30 and 18.00 - 19.00
Tuesday: 13.00 - 13.30
Thursday: 09.00 - 09.30 and * 18:00 - 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.



boskamp feb 2015

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