Im AUGUST 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp

In July 2014 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

Rear stay of young pigeonsThe question why so many youngsters behind stay is provided us pigeon veterinarian regularly. There are colleagues who want to have monopoly on wisdom and claim that they know the absolute cause. I think that is nonsense. There is not a cause, there are several. Old acquaintances such as clear skies, Ostwind and inversion can rage when the young pigeons also every now and then. There are several causes. If we look at the diseases that could play a role more are to name a few. Here too there are a pair of old acquaintances like heavy yellow infections, respiratory tract infections and coli. Still, this is too general and simple. Itself, we believe that the herpes virus plays an important role in the losses of young pigeons. If not directly, at least indirectly. Since we, the clear trend to see the pigeons vaccinated less losing vaccinate against this disease, where the breeder the plan after twice the pigeons vaccinated.
The question remains whether only the herpes vaccine is that or it is the fact that you hereby also twice vaccinate against Paramixo (as well as the intention is), just such a great, or perhaps even a larger role. To close it out we would have to look at people who vaccinate their young pigeons only twice against Paramixo as the package leaflet requires it. But the majority of the pigeon breeders vaccinate only once because it is mandatory '.
But well, as I said we can see so clearly a lower loss of young pigeons on the pigeons which have twice been vaccinated against herpes. It's just a fact. But even with double vaccinated birds, the losses can be still considerable. This we must then often a sizable presence of ' bully bacterium ' notice. Both in the past year and in this the losses stop usually after a cure for above bacteria. personal erweise I still would like to announce that I suspect that radiation of pigeons is not so innocent as repeatedly claimed by those who take advantage of have. The dependence of the radiation testifies to equipment or is dependent of radiation is so enormous that it is a fact which we have to learn to work. We can not much change.

Early in this century I read a German article what primary care physicians by means of research had found the children living in the vicinity of Strahlungsmäste have a higher risk for leukemia. Shocking. Then then pretty much nothing happened. Worse still, the number of masts was and still is increasing. A price we pay for progress.

All-in-one are so several factors that can cause such problems with pigeons, so that they can no longer find their way home. Against some factors you can do something. Against others less.


Known as are probiotics the sgn. 'good intestinal bacteria'. Prebiotics are described as substances that help to grow the good intestinal bacteria. We differ from other species species specific probiotics and probiotics. The species specific probiotics occur in a particular species. The advantage of the administration of these probiotics is that they settle in the intestine. Other probiotics have a good effect on the bowel but more with the bowel movements are excreted much. Many pigeon fanciers asking me whether the administration of probiotics is necessary. The answer is simple. Water and feed pigeons can live alone well. A pigeon of sports but can make optimal performance in these times. In order to achieve this, the circumstances must be more than perfect.

Probiotics are so good intestinal bacteria. As long as they are in the gut in the majority of pathogenic and other harmful intestinal bacteria will get less opportunity. It is a matter of competition. The intestinal flora is stronger, the less opportunity gets a disease. So, the administration of probiotics is preventive health care in the denominator. Probiotics are important to get faster at a good level after administration of antibiotics the intestinal flora. Antibiotics destroy not only the poor and pathogenic bacteria, but also the good intestinal flora. If a quick recovery after a necessary antibiotic treatment is desired, administering probiotics here can make a contribution to.


Topwing, I wrote this month to an article about smallpox. We see smallpox, especially in this year, more and more often. Correctly pronounced cases where the pigeons completely 'grow' see we fortunately becoming less and less. It seemed as if there was less smallpox was still available at the time as Ovo-Peristerin.

This week I got the question whether breeders which is known that they have smallpox on their response, their pigeons no symptoms have may put anyway. Smallpox have an incubation period of about 6-20 days. In other words the pigeons, even without symptoms, can be of the smallpox virus. That is so also these pigeons as soon as they are, even if they have no symptoms, can infect the other pigeons in the cage in the basket.

Each pigeon fanciers, which has pigeons with smallpox on his beat would have to do so only been collegial reasons no pigeons, that he can be knowing the cause of dissemination. Once an emergency vaccination has taken place and no new cases arise in the next 10 days is quite safe in relation to the spread of the virus.

At an emergency vaccination already infected pigeons of faster symptoms can show. I prefer to vaccinate the pigeons per injection at an emergency vaccination. So is namely no vaccination response to paw or breast which the risk of the emergence of Impfpocken is too small. We get the message from smallpox in spite of vaccination after vaccination on paw or chest after about 2 weeks sometimes. It is usually only a single pock and often even in the beak. This occurs when a single pigeon. We have to do with Impfpocken. The reaction of today's available vaccine can cause, can be pretty intense. We recommend not using on the chest. A breeder had a such fierce vaccination reaction times had allowed that several pigeons hang the wings on the side of the vaccination.


The prices of the new year are made in the Mauser. The installation of the new plumage asks to an optimal care. Ideally a control takes place after the season by the health of the birds. Any yellow infections are worked out and then all attention can be directed to the big moulting.

There are a large number of products to support these Mauser. A cheap but not for bad procedure is administering a week treatment with a good pigeon tea to help the body to clean itself. An alternative would be to bony base T (tincture). This product is relatively new but has gained it a permanent place in our product line. It contains ingredients of many herbs that make a contribution to the cleansing of the body, enriched with powerful anti-oxidants. Bony base T can be given during one week.

A good support during the moult can then consist of bony B.M.T, bony Bonichol or Sedochol and Mauser vitamins. This combination should help the deaf optimally by the Mauser.

(This month we have the following Mauser combination on sale for $ 55,– : Bony Mauser vitamins, bony Bonichol, bony B.M.T and bony base-T)

Good luck

Peter Boskamp


The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnen.The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application.We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season.

In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance occur.

consulting P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail.

“Regular health monitoring of pigeons is the basis for good flight performance”


We offer:

  • Control of your pigeons and veterinärmedizinische support
  • Parasitological examination (including Coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological examination (including salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Viral investigation (including Paramixo, adeno etc.)
  • Goiter smear and Cloaca dash
  • Vaccinations (u.a paratyphoid, smallpox, Paramixo)
  • Mushroom study
  • Blood tests
  • Fertility treatment
  • Operations
  • Autopsien
  • Intake and observation
  • Faecal samples investigation; samples can also be sent to

If you want to consult our clinic for examinations, we recommend prior appointment. Then we can take plenty of time for a perfect accompaniment and respond best to the problems.


For veterinary assistance in the pigeon sport

Basic investigation of pigeon healthToday's pigeon sport developed more and more in the direction of the top sports. We see this in the competitions that are gone in the blink of an eye. Small deviations in the deaf rich therefore already out to heavily on the result list to get off or even to disappear

The classical control of pigeons with a throat swab is made of (and cloacal swab of the youngsters) pigeons has still its value.

This investigation should no longer be confined to checks on the presence of Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis. Man should certainly check on mucus and/or inflammatory cells. Also, the presence of yeasts in the assessment consider should be taken.

A good investigation should be combined with a (full) control of pigeons, with the benötigde attention of heads, but also on the lower Airways should be safe.

If significant irritation is perceptible in this specific study, must be acting. In this sense, samples can be taken for bacteriological examination. By means of a culture can be determined which pathogens occur. For this purpose, a little material on a specific medium is attached with an eye (en instrument). Are pathogenic bacteria present then can mitters a so-called Antibiogram be investigated which antibiotics at the been pigeons produce the best result. To do this, the isolated germs (bacteria) used during 24 hours together with specific antibiotics on small slices on a so-called Sensidisc in an incubator. To complete of this test it is then known which means gives the best result. Then, a specific medication can be made then, falss necessary (so-called magistral manufactured medicine).

If the need during the investigation has proven even more control on yeast (Candia albicans) can be made.

We see many youngsters with substantial mucus forming in his throat. Through this targeted drugs to combine with certain medicines against mucus the pigeons can be prepared well before the season on the upcoming competitions.

Precisely, these preventive health care is becoming increasingly important in the pigeon sport. Get it just to leave and wait how the flights go without preventive health checks (by a specialized doctor of the dove) but often enough results in disappointments. And nothing is as annoying as having to take a course during the flights. Prevention is better than cure.


Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 – 09: 30 and 18: 00 – 19: 00
Tuesday: 13: 00 – 13: 30
Thursday: 09.00 – 09: 30 am and * 18:00 – 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)

Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.

From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.


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