Only top quality is good enough to breed a winner…

Optimal care during the moult is the first step for future success. Only (breeding) pigeons in excellent physical condition can give us youngsters who grow up to be future winners. In preparation for breeding a visit to the vet is recommended so will prevent against diseases or diseases are excluded, which are the cause of unfertilized eggs and / or for the death of the boy may be hatching .. In addition to illuminate or vorzupaaren also useful tips that will contribute to a smooth winter breeding. BEYERS has some varied and balanced quality blends and BEYERS Condition & developed care products that meet the specific needs of the pigeons during the breeding season complete and balanced. In compiling our breeding mixtures, we aim to ensure that all essential amino acids are present in the correct ratio (= high biological value of the protein '). In addition, we consider that the mixture of legumes, grains and little fat seeds is easily digested and also the intestines well filled (= raw fibers).

Some of the BEYERS Condition & Care Products (e.g: Grit- and mineral mixtures) provide the necessary minerals and trace elements. This combination in the diet breeding pigeons remain much more vivid and clearly no or hardly suffer by raising several rounds boys.

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More about the offer of the company. Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy You will find here…(click)

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