Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon January 2018…

Dear readers and readers, Sports enthusiasts and sports friends,

a New Year's speech is best held on New Year's. But Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon is Now even a monthly newspaper, the new edition usually appears in mid of the month. So it is now. The New Year's been 10 days old, but I had, as just said, no previous opportunity to wish our readers a Happy New Year. And I wanted to go back a little and come to speak briefly on the past year 2017th But not delve too far. Kassel - from the last weekend in October 2017 ranges. Was that a pigeon hard! Already in the year before last - 2016 - provided the organizer of the International Taubenmarkt Kassel and publisher of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon, Irma Kreutzfeldt, in the issue November found that it comes to Pigeon racing can not be bad ordered. Quote: "This is not only in the number of visitors of the International Taubenmarkt Kassel measured. But to der mood among sports girlfriends and overall sports fans. "I will not repeat even in retrospect, but as long known, the rush of visitors has far exceeded all expectations and there DOMINIONte a terrific atmosphere. In addition I allow myself left to say: Better a few nice days in Kassel that are feasible for every sports fan, than the "globalization" of certain transactions pigeons not to include from the outset it. Like every reader imagine his part.

I will end the small retrospective of 2017, and turn to 2018. Good resolutions are a popular theme for the New Year's speech. The perfect recipe for a happy and prosperous New Year I have of course not. But I would immediately with a remarkable spell keep going. He is very old and dates this time not from the mouth of a pigeon breeder, but suits us pigeon fanciers. Quote: "I do not concern myself with what has been done. What interests me is what needs to be done, "explained once Marie Curie, before 107 Years (1911) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Even in deaf sports world chemistry should vote. This begins in Cote each sport friend. If the shock repeatedly cleaned, it is a total sports meet, the animals are healthy and in good order? You have as an owner, holder, nurses in their own hands. Without diligence no price, but this is probably the smallest problem well. It gets more difficult already, if you take the club or RV. Right here the chemistry between the sports fans on the lower levels of the organization? Alas, the Regional Associations I conclude with one more. In the deaf sports organizations in which the chemistry not true, there is no satisfaction. Even Sportfreunde which achieve almost dizzying successes are not happy and content where the chemistry - the respectful coexistence - not true. Good fellowship, camaraderie between the individual sports fans, acceptance of the not particularly successful, but also between the clubs and travel associations and regional associations, are indispensable for the positive development of pigeon racing. If then yet the attention of the UnitedAssociation of German pigeon fancier more on the concerns of the overwhelming majority all sports fans would be focused rather than for individual on distant worlds, then you could finally and overdue freedom in pigeon racing finding their way long ago. And I suppose at this point in person the liberty to call out to the sports fans of the Association leadership: Take your umbrella organization not too much before, but the thing - it should be the Needs of your members meet!

And turning to these members - am also one for 56 years - my suggestions for the New Year: Do not be discouraged, not Schlechingertes think and expect negative. Be not worriers, forget failures, grief, enemies, obstacles - let's go with optimism to the future.

In this sense - a new in 2018!

brühl hans 2016



Beyers jan 2018 Boskamp Jan 2018 Herbots jan 2018 Roehnfried jan 2018 1 Roehnfried jan 2018 2 Brockamp January 2018 Brockamp January 2018 2

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