Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon July 2017…

pigeon market title july 2017

Dear readers and readers,

Also in the July issue of TaubenMarkt/Die Sporttaube we can offer you a colorful range of topics related to the pigeon sport as usual. I would like to start here with the “Free Rhineland Championship”. Not because I'm from the Rhineland by birth, but because I've always campaigned for freedom in the pigeon sport. In the 4/2017 issue of TaubenMarkt/Die Sporttaube, page 50 announced the establishment of a free championship “Long Distance Championship Rhineland 2017”. The meaning of the promised championship is that the fairest possible competition should be created. And the most important thing: every sports fan can participate. In the July issue, read a report on the first flight from Vierzon on June 4, 2017. Three regional associations were among the first 10 bankruptcies!

Then, under the heading “From Science”, we bring statements by pharmacist Otto Wack on a current topic of the current travel season. The flight routes have become longer and the question arises: "What happens during starvation metabolism?" Malnutrition, malnutrition and other nutrient imbalances lead to health problems for our racing pigeons, and not just at the moment when they are racing.

Under the title "Preserving genetic heritage", our author Ulrich Reber deals in detail with the genetic heritage of the carrier pigeon. Messenger pigeons already played a role when the first high cultures and civilizations arose thousands of years ago. In this respect, the racing pigeon in its unique equipment, like all living beings, is characterized by uniqueness and an extremely valuable ancestral heritage. The preservation of their discipline must therefore - not only in his opinion - be a cultural task.

Steffen Röhl from Central Germany sent us a contribution about the sporting behavior of carrier pigeon breeders. The same pigeon was reported to its owner by three sports friends, from considerable distances from the home loft, until it happily returned there.

Our employee Fred Jansen was not idle either. He tells us about an anniversary that probably doesn't happen every year. This year the club 01619 “Heimkehr” Körrenzig celebrates its 110th anniversary. He was registered with the Union on October 30, 1907.

From nostalgia to technology. Peter Kocks sent us a contribution about the technical development in the pigeon sport. Tracking the flight of the pigeons in real time using a GPS ring is a project that is gradually getting closer. The ultimate goal of GPS development in the racing pigeon is to track the pigeons' flight paths while they are on the move. But many questions still have to be answered.

The sports friends who are reported on in the impact reports also answered many of our questions. It is always amazing that the respective strokes are similar in their basic structure and yet differ in nuances. Be it training the pigeons, providing them with feed and by-products or trying to motivate the animals to come home faster.

I didn't really want to repeat a so-called truism here. This is known to every sports friend, namely that the good pigeon is decisive. But good pigeons are often of very different origins. This issue of TaubenMarkt/Die Sporttaube contains, among other things, Reports on top shots that were entered in the auction “EUROPEAN SUPERSTARS Olympiad & As-pigeons special 2017!” on Saturday, October 28, 2017 as part of the 28th Int. Pigeon market in the Kassel exhibition halls. Perhaps you will succeed in acquiring a pigeon there that meets your expectations and will bring it further in breeding and racing. Good luck with that, continue "Gut Flug 2017" and "Freiheit im Taubensport!"

brühl hans 2016


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