Product of the week – RÖHNFRIED pigeons GAMBAMIX…

Just what you've been waiting for!


10 mg Carnidazol
proven formula

röhnfried letter deaf gambamix


Active Ingredients: 1 tablet contains:

10 mg Carnidazol

Dosage Form: tablet for inputting

Indications: For the treatment and forward bending of trichomoniasis (yellow button).


Prevention: 1 coated tablet per pigeon push deep into the throat. Treatment of diseased animals: 2-3 days per pigeon 1 Dragee slide after another deep into the throat. Two weeks before the hatching of the first brood a preventive treatment must always be carried out so that the parents do not infect the boy. Give 1-2 hours before feeding.

Not for use in animals intended for food use. Administer only to pigeons!


Contraindications, side effects, interactions: To date, no known.

If you notice any side effects, please inform your veterinarian or pharmacist.

Storage Note: dry and not above +25 ° C! Keep out of reach of children. Do not use after the expiration date. Throw away any unused product through the pharmacy.

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