Product of the week – Carni speed…

  • The main ingredient of Carni-Speed ​​is L-carnitine. This vitamin-like substance plays a central role in pigeons' fat metabolism.
  • Muscle function - With a dosage of 10 ml/ liter of drinking water, the pigeons receive the amount of L-carnitine considered scientifically useful.
  • Regeneration - In addition, the magnesium and selenium contained serve the muscle function.
  • Joy of flying - The pigeons show a significantly higher joy of training.
  • Feeding recommendation for racing pigeons: Administer daily 14 days before the first free flight or before the start of the races. During the travel season between the day of the flight and the day of operation, over 5 days a week. Dosage: Carni-Speed ​​can be administered via drink or food. – 10 ml per 1 liter drinker – 15 ml per 1 kg of feed

L-carnitine is a functional active ingredient with key functions in energy metabolism. Studies show a clear impact of long-term feeding of pure carnitine. It is documented there that at least an intake of 50 mg L-carnitine per pigeon must be guaranteed daily in order to see a significant increase in performance.

A continuous L-carnitine supply in the trip time is to ensure absolutely necessary, since L-carnitine can only be taken into the cells of the muscle. The performance-enhancing effects are therefore occurring after a longer-term response and manifest itself in an increased workout joy.

Die wesentliche Bedeutung von L-Carnitin liegt im Transport von Fettsauren vom Zellplasma in die Mitochondrien, also in die Kraftwerke der Zellen und damit in der für den Wettflug bedeutenden Energiegewinnung aus Fettsauren. L-Carnitin besitzt die Fähigkeit Ermüdung und Krampfbildung des Muskels vorzubeugen indem freie Acetylreste gebunden und so deren schädigende Wirkung auf die Muskelzellen verhindert werden. Ferner dient L-Carnitin als Puffer der schädigenden Milchsäure, so dass der Muskel unter Extrembelastung nicht so schnell „sauer“ wird. Unter „normalen“ Lebensbedingungen (außerhalb der Reisezeit) kann der Bedarf an L-Carnitin überwiegend aus der Eigensynthese gedeckt werden. Ein Mangel kann gleichwohl auftreten, wenn bei geringer Zufuhr, Körnermischfutter haben einen äußerst geringen Gehalt an L-Carnitin, ein hoher Bedarf gegeben ist.

we need to provide a significant increase in demand when the physical stress rises through training and competition flights. Therefore we recommend L-carnitine over a longer period to which chucks the positive effect expected. Racing pigeons tire less quickly so that the air speed can be kept high for a long period. The indirect cell protective function of L-carnitine protects the muscle. This is the malicious "sour" the muscles to counter and the pigeon can accomplish so lasting performance.

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