BEYERS Premium Mischungen…


The premium blends the superlative in the Beyers range are high. In the premium blends special emphasis on smaller grains places like Cribbs maize and small peas, which guarantee optimal intake of grains in combination with soy. Those who opt for premium blends, can be sure to throw away any money because the pigeons threw grains from the feed chute. In addition, the composition of these mixtures is designed so that one can speak of an optimal nutritional value, which can help you get the most from the performance of your pigeons.



Breeding mix for pigeons with a small Cribbs maize and toasted soy, tailored to the needs of birds during the breeding. Contains high quality ingredients with an optimal nutrition and toasted soy as a source of leichtverdauliches protein. All guarantees optimal intake of the mixture. Pretty much all top breeders who give premium blends during the racing season, trust in the grow on premium Super Stud. Remember Rik cools, and Ben Roodbeen this name as Gaby Vandenabeele, Johny, Yves and Magda Jonckers, Albert and Francine Derwa, Rudy de SAER. The feedback we get about premium Super breeding, are mostly want no other breeders, who have once tried this mix.


Small Cribbs maize 14%, extra red sorghum 10%, toasted soy 10%, less than green peas 10%, white Dari 10%, white wheat 10%, small yellow peas 7.5%, Cardy boots 6%, Dunpeas 5%, Maple peas 5%, corn for popcorn 4.5%, vetches 2.5%, Winterpeas 2.5%, buckwheat 1%, Katjang Idjoee 1%, 1%


Carbohydrates 55,10%, raw proteins 17.11%, raw cellulose 5.54%, raw fat 5.65%, crude ash 2.44%, lysine 0.90%, phosphorus 0.33%, methionine 0.21%, calcium 0.09%



Is a high-quality, Lightweight Sport mix according to a unique recipe of the Belgian champion premium Vandenabeele Gaby Vandenabeele.

High-quality grains and seeds, rich in small Cribbs maize, Cardy and paddy rice.

Used by many top breeders.


Small Cribbs maize 31%, extra white Dari 20%, Cardy boots 20%, paddy rice 20%, Katjang Idjoee 2%, white wheat geschälter 1.9%, oats 1.6%,

extra red sorghum 1.6%, barley 1%, Brassica rapa 0.3%, flaxseed 0.3%, buckwheat 0.3%


Carbohydrates 58.90%, Roheiweiβ 10.74%, raw fat 8.49%, raw cellulose 9.39%, crude ash 1.93%, lysine 0,35%, phosphorus 0.23%,.

Methionine 0.17%, calcium 0.03%


Beyers premium Super widower is a sports mix for pigeons, with a small Cribbs maize and soya.

Contains high quality ingredients with an optimal nutrition and roasted soy beans as a source of easily digestible proteins.

Optimum absorption of the mixture. In this mixture, the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is optimally matched.

Used by many top breeders.




Corn for popcorn 23%, small Cribbs maize 15%, white Dari 10%, white wheat 8%, Cardy boots 7% extra red sorghum 6%, toasted soy geschälter 5%, oats 5%,.

Silver rice 4%, small green peas 3.5%, Maple peas 3%, small yellow peas 3%, vetches 2%, Dunpeas 1.5%, 1%, Katjang Idjoee 1%, hemp 1%, buckwheat 1%




Carbohydrates 59.65%, Roheiweiβ 13.33%, crude fat 6.13%, crude cellulose 5.42%, ash 1.98%, lysine 0.58%, phosphorus 0.30%, methionine 0.19%, calcium 0 , 07%

Still more on Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy read premium blends here…(click)

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