TaubenMarkt / the sport pigeon March 2016...

Dear readers and readers,

the spring is coming. Maybe now, you may think "Great knowledge" about me. Finally, we have a calendar at home. Can I imagine already. But I discovered a text passage, the Pigeon fanciers should be not entirely uninteresting for us:

"Upon the arrival of spring is Germany Europe-wide right in midfield, because if mid March in Portugal thus draws a full spring and Apple trees blossom, prevails in Central and Northern Europe of still deepest winter. The full spring pulls out of the West at a speed of about 40 kilometers per day from Faro in Portugal to Northern Sweden or Finland. It takes about 90 days for a distance of 3,600 km. The way of the spring after Germany leads along the Algarve on the Spanish Mediterranean coast to Barcelona. Taken up April 10 the Apple Blossom Avignon, Marseille and Lyon, before almost until the April 15 already up to the Rhine ranges. A few days later comes the spring then to Germany. Usually a good enoughPeriod end March or early April from the spring to the North to bring up to 1,000 km." (Source: www.donnerwetter.de).

If a weather is the publication of this Edition, I can not know of course. But you just quoted Executions most likely assume that the be recovered "full spring" also a winter, maybe even a stricter, advancing went. And we didn't have the after the autumn period at the end of the year 2015 until now really. What was a big advantage for us pigeon fanciers. In mild The winter breeding, temperatures could be prepared. Sports enthusiasts, which had exposed their beats in the preparation phase on the breeding could determine that the first eggs are unusually time came. Probably also a consequence of mild temperatures. The boys grew and grew. The breeders amass nearly even earlier than in the summer on the next clutch in good supply. And now in March, the third breeding is already absetzen ripe with these breeders. Like every sports enthusiast as heTe. Just as well that no one can affect the weather of us.

Influence: Only good, that the travel services of our pigeons, after she says are no one, can affect. They must be accepted as they are. Examples are shown on the title page of this Edition, as well as numerous on the other pages of this newspaper.

Again, we have put a "bouquet" of reports, reports and articles together for you. It starts with the wide track ACEs and their owners – one internationally renowned impactcommunity. To come reports of victory ceremonies Long distance friends from central Germany, as well as three more reports about long distance friends in the Netherlands. Of course, also the German homing pigeon exhibition is represented. And an interview with the sport friend who is there in the same year the standard bird and the standard female – a probably unique success. The other will be in this Expenditure on our "Austria page" sports fans from there presented, which cut off particularly well on the international Tribune flights have - quite interesting designs. A report from Belgium cannot be missed of course. And of course the monthly reports on particularly successful German Sports enthusiasts. The current reporting is then rounded off with posts about national winner and award ceremonies of the regional associations. The usual pages about "Health for the pigeons" by veterinarian Rene Becker, as well as "from the knowledgemade"by pharmacist Otto Wack not be overlooked also. And then the publications that are perhaps not quite topical, however, desired time and again by countless readers. These include the contributions "From history" (of the Pigeon sport of course) and "Back then as today valid." The experts then the "irony of the month" and the sequel novel 'The Wormersdorfer Saha"- have fun reading and 'Freedom in the pigeon sport'!




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