TaubenMarkt / the sport pigeon February 2016...

thru Feb. Title


Dear readers and readers,

this edition of Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon starts - as you can see on the front page - with a report on the impact Community Meier-Dienstbach from Nuremberg. We have in the last 26 years through countless impact communities and their achievements reported. But the impact Community Meier-Dienstbach is special. Not only because of their long-lasting Itfollow, but especially because a member of that impact community, including Guido Dienstbach, already 20 years articles and reports for Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon writes. In addition, he has more merits for the pigeon sport herecruited. And this work must now be once acknowledged. Please read what he has to tell us. Of course, not only it in person, but his strike partner Konrad Meier, whose light really here not to be put under the famous "bushel".

The next report in this issue deals with Bülent Mavis, a young breeder who in a still bestHenden pigeons stronghold in the Ruhr area, in Gelsenkirchen, did more than just claim. As you can see from the name easily, Bülent Mavis is a sport friend of Turkish origin, was born in Germany and grew up. His father was a miner to Germany. The tradition of Pigeon pose is continued very successfully.

This is followed by a report about Arnold Sczygiol, who along with his daughter Rafaela the Pigeon sport in Baden-Württemberg exercises. Andre Petan has visited the two. Surname "Sczygiol"? Does not sound German, but it is! Arnold Sczygiol was born in 1966 in Upper Silesia (Poland) near Opole, where he spent his childhood.

Why I am concerned at this point with just the family name of this Sportfreunde you might be wondering. For this I say, pigeon fancier is and remains Pigeon breeders, no matter what his name is. We can be proud, such Sportfreunde - which, incidentally, account for a now substantial proportion of the traveling strokes total in Germany - to have among us.

That the Sportfreunde Stark, Sattler, Scholz, Leisegang etc. recognized accordingly in this edition, you will realize when reading Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon. Also for the Friends of the internadimensional reporting, we have of course a lot to offer. About Davy Tournelle from Belgium, Jean-Paul Balcaen from France and Jan C. Polder from the Netherlands our correspondent posts created.

Furthermore, there is indeed now - mid-February - the "quiet time" already behind us. In autumn and winter, in these so-called quiet period, then the prize giving ceremony will take place again; we reported in the last Expenditure on various events. In this issue, there are more reports of larger and smaller exhibitions with presentation ceremony of Hesse, Saxony, the Eifel and the Rhineland.

I give the "quiet time" said. For most of our pigeons even this time is forcibly secluded. Anyway, as far as the free flight at bat. The Raptor Plage forcing their owners to keep them almost half a year firmly in the blows. It can those still speak of tolerable circumstances which have in some way aviaries. The animals can at least out in the sun or the rain, after all, to fresh air. Anyway, it's for noble beasts of the open airperiod any unnatural position. By contrast, the Association of German pigeon fancier, the Association of German breed poultry and the Association of German breed fanciers now walk together before in a petition to the Federal Government and the states. Read in this edition the text and by forces supporting this approach.

In this sense, "Freedom in the pigeon sport" not only for exercising it, but also for the pigeons themselves!





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