Taubenmarkt/Die Sporttaube Januar 2016…

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LEar, dear reader,

every year it scares about how quickly the past year on a past is broke right. 2015 differed because will not be no different from its predecessors, even 2016. And somehow every year give one the feeling: the world turns faster and faster. And this feeling that the world faster turns, does not stop of course before the world of Pigeon racing. This 'world of pigeon sport' Yes now consists of a number of facets, which again arise new Add. Also it will be 2016 is no different. I think one of the most important is the coexistence of people with pets. This situation promotes the health of the people. Doing the positive effects, caused by more physical activity and stronger self confidence to return to a lesser drug - consumption has been scientifically proven. Observing and providing the animals, dealing with our feathered friends also support the reduction of aggression and contribute to managing stress. This strengthens not only the confidence, but also the self esteem. The feathered friends are helpful also in tackling problems. They are often living alone elderly communication partner.
Also passion for pigeon sport from the desired Championship is of course inseparable. She are less used to be pronounced, today she has mastered pigeon breeders to a large extent. Although for most of our breeders, the sport remains a hobby. Only a small minority professionally performs the pigeon sport and thus makes money. Certainly every breeder is attempting to fly a maximum of prices, which is quite normal. But the number of breeders who completes a racing season with a high profit, is very small. The costs associated with the prize flights, relatively high. With the game by racing pigeons no big win is at least in Germany. And yet it must be noted that in the Preisflugsaison the losers week draw new courage and efforts will be made to appear in the top of the price list. But when the flight prices, we must again determine that weather has a significant impact on the results of the race. In good weather, the top pigeons get their prices, but as soon as the weather and the wind turn, also the outsiders coming to their success. Nevertheless, ranting most growers on the witty weather and not their pigeons, if the flights once not as lost as they would like. This is one of the factors that help to the pigeon sport will still maintain its appeal and its activity. Cause and effect come here too often next to each other in our sporting events. What we need is a sincere cooperation, a mutual respect again and even mutual assistance, to restore the unsuccessful sports enthusiasts on the ladder of success. And so even after bitter defeats, the painstaking work be crowned by new successes and initially disappointed and unsuccessful breeders in a sporting behavior of good breeder ascend again to the successful. The downward spiral of disappointed breeders may not continue in the year 2016.

In this sense, a new in 2016, "Freedom in the pigeon sport"!


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