Tip of the week – free breathing…

Why should we keep the respiratory system? For decades, pigeon fanciers in talking that we must remain free the respiratory system of our pigeons, achieving top prices. We also believe this and not only because it is important for the pigeons take the optimal quantity of oxygen free, but because it is known for several years that the orientation of the pigeons also about the sense of smell can be done.

For this reason we pursue the concept to strengthen the respiratory tract of the bird from the inside by Röhnfried for a long time. This via a very successful from the inside out the antibiotic effective addition of Nasturtium and the horseradish, which - without the intestinal flora of pigeons to damaging - effect on the respiratory tract via the bronchial tubes (Avimycin). And on the other by the liberating effects of natural herbal oils such as thyme, licorice and eucalyptus, they stimulate the ciliated epithelium of the lower respiratory tract (trachea) to (Atemfrei) and as dust particles out are promoted from the inside. However, deposits or strong Verschleimungen in the upper part of the sinus should exist, we use recently a further strategy to liberate the Airways. With this new product from the House of Röhnfried succeeded to clean stubborn deposits and dust from autumn and winter by strong upper mucous mucus formation quickly and effectively. This new cleaner has in addition antibacterial properties to the mucosa and therefore helps to reduce pathogenic germs. The observations of the last years show that you can keep healthy the sinus area using these methods in cooperation with probiotic bacteria as a shield (Avisana), which you while the antibiotic breath way treatments, which as unwanted side effect, attacking whatever important intestinal balance, can minimize Yes, now very successfully also succeeded in it completely refrain from the racing season. This new cleaner can directly in the nose of the Dove are both applied for drinking water. Because we suspect a brief clouding of the olfactory orientation sense (sense of smell) shortly after the application of the product, we recommend at least five days prior to the flight or a workout making a direct application in the nose.


Avisana is an active cleaner for all mucous membranes such as noses and eyes, wounds, injuries and exposed body to forming a stable and healthy microflora by it occupies the affected area with safe probiotic bacteria. It is pH-neutral, very economical in use, without colour and odours. Avisana is a probiotic liquid film with permanent legacy which disinfection is mostly superfluous on the surface.

Avisana RohnfriedApplication recommendation:
Racing pigeons:
• Before each flight distance when inserting one drop per nostril.
• After each distance flight on the day of arrival or in separating the sexes.
• After training flights before the rain to protect
Irritation of the mucous membranes.

Throughout the year: Discolored nasal openings or watery eyes twice a day 1 a drops or affected skin surfaces be fully drain.




The company's products rohnfried pigeon marketbuy here…(click)



Her Alfred Berger

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