Beyer Newsletter September 2015…

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What 2015 to have emerged in the season, is last without exaggeration in the shade. We have again received countless success stories. With Beyers pigeon feed and the feed supplement, reaching a huge satisfaction. Improvement and optimization are the ultimate basis here.
Continuously improves the product range because modern dietary findings - which by the way, constantly expand -.
After termination of award flights, no later than the main moulting of our pigeons starts with throwing the fifth main arm of. Particularly at this time of year, it is crucial to ensure a smooth supply. Some growers switch to after the end of the season on a cheap food, this is a very big mistake. And just as is the difference between the winners and losers of the next season.
Who wants to be next year master, can allow no errors now. Avoid these mistakes now and trust on the Beyers mixtures and supplements.
We advise you to be happy at the fair in Kassel, but also by telephone or e-mail. Nothing can be left to chance, the selection of supplementary feed and the carefully crafted Beyers lining plans are the trailblazer for success.

Your Frans Maas and Ludo will.


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Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy Newsletter September 2015 for download here…(click)


Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy Buy products here…(click)


For more information about Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy You will find here…(click)

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