The 3 BS of by BEYERS: Need – Load – Balance…

Beyers ludo and frans

It is important that the mixtures meet the needs of your pigeons, which is not sure of course when heavy loads. At Beyer we are primarily attempting to produce mixtures, which ensure a maximum absorption of nutrients so that the pigeons can bring as much energy from minimal feed. Digestion of the feed requires energy, and in the modern pigeon racing is often limited the time between flights. It is also important not only to quick success to be, but in the long term optimal services of the pigeons. This means that food must be so assembled, that even after about seven flights no check is done. To complement the Chuck, it is often recommended, as seen also in top athletes, in addition with complementary products to feed the pigeons, so that they can reach their performance potential. It offers the high-quality range of Beyers plus extensive facilities.
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Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy They buy products here…(click)



beyers feb 2015

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