BEYERS N e w s l e t t e r March 2015…

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Welcome to the new Beyer newsletter!

Let's go in the 2015 season! The quiet winter time is when many breeders long
over. The early breeding has begun and the first youngsters are already sold.
If there were not all problems with the Raptor, the juveniles would long on
rooftop sitting. But now is also the time to make up about thoughts which
Feed mixtures in the travel time should be used. Please remember,
that feeding should always be inspired by the needs of the pigeon. This
Demand is mainly determined by the load, where the weather conditions
play a role. Beyers offers for each breeder the appropriate feed, care
whether 200 km or 1000 km travel. We report in this issue on the
Blow Community pump & Posser from Hamminkeln who for more than 15 years
highly successful travel at distances over 1,000 km away. As the only German
Blow himself placed the SG pump & Posser the "Europe-Marathon" in 2014. We
also like to help you to find the right food for you to the victors
2015 included the. Please contact our representatives in Germany easy.

Beyers contact person DE

Click here to read the full newsletter Beyers March 2015

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