In the March 2015 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

In July 2014 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

Certain bacterial infections play an important role in the pigeon sport. These infections may cause significant clinical signs with homing pigeons that can attack many pigeons. Most textbooks are full with these infections. The infections and the symptoms are usually not as bad, but the get less attention during the season that quite negatively can influence condition and the performance of the pigeons. But just because they cause most of the time little symptoms the importance of which is often played down. Seems not quite right, especially if we consider us to be often counterproductive that the unhindered administration of antibiotics in these infections. Enough reason to discuss one of these infections here: The Staphylokokke.Die Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that we can perceive in pigeons because of a thick lower foot or not can flying lame following a joint inflammation. Pigeon fanciers often immediately go out of an infection with salmonella bacteria, this is but not always right. This arthritis can be very persistent, and should be treated with an antibiotic targeted. Preferably after running an anti-biogramms. These bacteria can kill is often difficult in practice. The habit of many pigeon fanciers to give antibiotics only during one or a few days won't help then most of the time. Antibacterial therapy should be used long enough to cope with such problems. The Staphylococcus is a bacterium that like to give occasion to pus formation. Also this fact contributes to the persistence of the Infektion.In, we carry out many bacteriological tests our clinic and a bacterium that often is assigned to this is in the Sinussen of the nose the Staphylococcus intermedius. The pigeons have this often no clinical symptoms. Some pigeons have some mucus in the nose and Sinusse.Tauben with these bacteria in the air in winter can look like picture book. They cause no symptoms then.
I have can be seen already more often written the pigeons as a collection drum of all kinds of Luftwege-and other infections. Many of these infections can take asymptomatic these pigeons. So also this. The problems arise only when the conditions are right for this usually barely pathogenic germs. The Staphylococcus intermedius is a seed. Although this bacterium is so not pathogenic in many cases for the pigeon in the direct sense, it certainly plays a role in the pigeons in season. As soon as the infection pressure of this bacterium has reached a certain level will suffer from the condition of pigeons and will no longer make the pigeons that form which they must reach.

This bacterium is above all problems if the conditions are right. We must then consider other infections that can attack the air passages of the pigeons. But not only other infections may play a role here. Even dust on the shock, moisture, passage, Hygiëne, overpopulation, temperature changes, etc. In short, the impact climate plays an important role. Finally, also the pigeon defence level is an important factor in the break out this infection or not. So, there are a number of factors that need to access in each other successfully and for the fancier the problem to make the infection for the bacterium.

I get to see investigation results which immediately prescribe antibiotics at any findings of this bacterium for a week or longer sometimes by German colleagues. Gentamycin is often used as a drug. Now is this a sgn. Macrolides which is poorly absorbed through the intestinal wall. Then too, it is the question what is the result of this treatment. When at fairs then asked whether one should cure me beneine I most of the time. I recommend to refrain from antibiotics and to keep the gunpowder dry. To do this, I recommend mostly to the defense of pigeons to support and observe the impact of climate.

Then I get often stirnrunzelnde looks, because you got so the Council to make a cure. If you then appears again on the next show at the booth I hear often that you a quite successful season was because the recommended cure was not done.
The extra part of the pigeon fanciers of course still makes a cure. Treatment with antibiotics has become in recent decades. And poor you can get rid of bad habits. The problem with an Antibiotikakur against staphylococci is they should work theoretically well as also proves the Antibiogram. In practice, it is more difficult.

Partly, this is because it makes far too short cures to these bacteria really can wound. But also the selection of effective antibiotics is only limited. The short Kürchen tend to be the best agent help ensure that the results of the treatments in practice are often disappointing. The breeder sees an improvement in performance for a short time, then the problems will come again. In the middle of the season, this is extremely frustrating for the breeders and can be a reason for excessive treatments with means that are hardly or not at all effective. Somewhere, somebody always is to find then that gets you this or that times have to try, because he himself had success or at least someone knows that it has helped. The horse is already behind the car. This is a bottomless pit. Mostly, it will only get worse. Some pigeon breeders adopted then of his pigeons deal after some time with new pigeons the same problem again. It's not so funny because it concerns mostly same stroke where the new pigeons are housed.

What we see in practice when a staph problem? Pigeons that decrease something young very well afford, as a yearling and as old pigeon usually can't afford.

Blind cures is a guarantee to failure in the long run in these cases. This problem should be checked first whether other infections play a role. After the bacterium was isolated an Antibiogram should be done necessarily with what resources are still effective.
In practice I'm with most of the time this means the breeders with this problem. That sounds crazy perhaps, it is to get rid of not only money but kill the last rescue. My recommendation is, in these cases mostly; If you must come to me in the middle of the season, the regular season must be written off.

Then, it can be only better if made afterwards still rates. It is important to the climate on the beat to get better. A good disinfection with Koudijs or Virkon S is in correct position. Must watch out for other infections. But above all, the General Defense of the pigeon will be restored and supported. The way this problem is in the long run. Because it is mainly chronic undermining this general defence which unnecessarily caused the problems.

The best time is then also the autumn this problem properly to access through. Because then there are no competitions. The infection pressure can reduce this. Also of other diseases. Far ahead of the season, an inspection inquiry be held then to evaluate the effects of building method. In practice we see dan very often that the multiresistene staph disappeared without the aid of antibiotics. The infection pressure is lowered very. Must be treated with antibiotics but still occasionally. Long enough and with the most effective means to Antibiogram. The effects of such treatments are far more effective than without supportive measures. Support has brought the pigeons in a condition such that they can then simply overcome this infection.

Die Moral dieser Geschichte: Staphylokokken sind keine Erreger die man ohne Überlegen angreifen muss mit Antibiotika. Schon gar nicht mit kurze Kürchen. Diese Bakterie ist für sowas viel zu Schlau. Das Antibiotikum alleine verliert den Kampf gegen diese Keime. Eine gezielte und unterstützende Methode ist auf Dauer viel effektiver.

Best of luck,

Peter Boskamp


The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnen. The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application. We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season. In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail.

“Regular health monitoring of pigeons is the basis for good flight performance”

Opening hours

Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 – 09: 30 and 18: 00 – 19: 00
Tuesday: 13: 00 – 13: 30
Thursday: 09.00 – 09: 30 am and * 18:00 – 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.



boskamp feb 2015

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