Röhnfried Inside at Willi Linsen – Carrier pigeon sport…

79-year-old Willi Linsen has been an enthusiastic pigeon fancier since his childhood. He came into contact with pigeon racing through his uncle, where he helped with feeding and cleaning the lofts. After school, he completed graphic training and, after a few years as a manager in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Geldern, founded his own printing company in Kellen in 1983. “In 1990 we opened our own company building in Kleve, where around 50 employees currently serve customers from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Austria”said Willy Linsen.

In 1989 Willi visited Gaby Vandenabeele for the first time and, also due to the good chemistry between the two breeders, many more were to follow. During this first visit, 20 eggs were immediately brought to Kleve and even as yearlings these pigeons showed that they had the necessary class. After that, young animals were brought from Gaby's best breeders every year.

Now see the current interview in the video with lots of information:

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