Leo Hamilton herremans – the foundation for many international top breeders …

heremans 3

… with a passion for the short haul

Die Schlaggemeinschaft Heremans-Ceusters hat so ziemlich alles auf der Kurz- und kleine Mittelstrecke gewonnen, was es zu gewinnen gab. Da waren nicht nur nationale Meisterschaften und As-Tauben, sondern auch Olympiatauben. Anfang 2007 hat sich die Schlaggemeinschaft getrennt und mit einer gewaltigen Auktion wurden die Tauben über die ganze Welt verstreut. Leo Heremans machte mit weniger Tauben weiter und kurz darauf war er wieder mit sehr großartigen Resultaten erfolgreich. Mit dem „Bolt“, der bis heute teuersten Taube der Welt, die für 310.000 Euro versteigert worden ist, wurde er wieder auf der ganzen Welt berühmt. Dieser junge Vogel und seine beiden Brüder machten mit gewaltigen Ergebnissen wieder auf Leo aufmerksam. Der „Bolt“ wurde 2012 1. nationale As-Taube auf der Kurzstrecke KBDB und war Olympiavogel in der Kategorie F in Nitra. Er glänzte mit folgende Resultaten auf der Jungtierreise:

heremans bolt1

  1. against 2707 pigeons
  2. around 1881 pigeons
  3. against 2507 pigeons
  4. around 1701 pigeons
  5. against 2131 pigeons
  6. around 1914 pigeons
  7. against 2838 pigeons
  8. against 1276 pigeons
  9. around 1566 pigeons
  10. against 2183 pigeons


His two brothers from 2011 won among others similar


  1. against 2589 pigeons
  2. against 1193 pigeons
  3. against 656 pigeons
  4. against 1943 pigeons.

These lists can continue almost indefinitely.


Are there secrets?

Was ist Leo Heremans Geheimnis? Er verkaufte sehr oft sehr viele seiner herausragenden Reise- und Zuchttauben, spielt aber in diesem Jahr trotzdem wieder so sensationell? „Man braucht gute und gesunde Tauben“, so Leo. Es ist schon beachtlich, dass Leo sehr viele Abteile mit Tauben hat, so viele Junge züchtet, aber dann trotzdem zu den Flügen nur mit einer Handvoll Tauben an den Start geht. Er selektiert am stärksten und verwendet seine Zeit nur auf die Tauben, die es wert sind. Diese danken es ihm dann mit Spitzenpreisen.


The system

Leo has a very large breeding loft with about 45 breeding pairs. In almost all of them we find the basis of bird - the "Olympics 003". He was a very fast, yet nervous bird and had a lot of character. On the widower impact we find 30 widowers who are to enter sensational success of Quiévrain and Noyon. Those who have success on Quievrain (100 km), stay on Quiévrain, the others must continue to fly. The breeders are paired end of November and get in preparation for the breeding Taubenfit-E50, Thanks to advice from his friend Yannick Deridder he used daily Avidress plus and according to Leo, he is very happy with it. The pigeons have always good feces, no problems with trichomoniasis or the young animal disease. In the preparatory period the widowers get also Avidress plus, When approaching the season, he administered only twice a week Avidress plus, Furthermore, he is very happy Gervit-W and RO 200 ready übers Futter. Hier wird der Versorgungsplan sehr streng befolgt, denn bei den Flügen ab Quiévrain ist jede Sekunde Gold wert. In Antwerpener Klub „Tienverbond“ wird immer noch Geld auf die Tauben gesetzt und deshalb kann nichts dem Zufall überlassen werden. Das System mit den Vögeln ist die klassische Witwerschaft. Bevor sie eingekorbt werden, zeigt er die Weibchen und wenn die Vögel vom Flug nach Hause kommen dürfen sie 1 bis 2 Stunden zu den Weibchen. Dieses System wird von Woche zu Woche wiederholt, außer mit den Vögeln, die nicht punkten. Mit den Vögeln probiert Leo andere Motivationsmethoden aus wie z.B. das Weibchen nicht mehr zeigen vor dem Einsetzen, oder die Weibchen länger zeigen oder er wechselt das Weibchen. Eine ideale Motivation muss gefunden werden, denn nur mit ihr sind Spitzenergebnisse möglich.

As feed mixture he preferred a sport mixture that get all the pigeons in their cells, both the old and the young. The amount is very good sized, so they eat everything

have to. If they are going to eat, then they get more. The pigeons must necessarily show good appetite. If they do not, the food is taken away immediately. At the end of the week the pigeons get some more corn, but no seeds or peanuts. In addition, his pigeons get much Expert-Mineral and Rotsteine. These minerals get all pigeons fresh every day.



Every day, precisely 8 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the evening, the pigeons have to train for 1 hour. If necessary use Leo the aid of a flag, but if the pigeons once understood

have, then train this hour without problems. Good training is for good health and fitness.


The young

Only the first round of the breeders stays with him in shock. The other boys are usually sold. The juveniles and young females are separated very quickly and come into their own compartments. In the beginning the boys get every day Avidress plus and regularly Hatchling powder together with Entrobac, The boys are obscured from the first moment and trained as quickly as possible from very short distances. Leo has good experience with short

made distances because they foster motivation of boys. Then the boys are separated into groups for their later tasks. A group for Quiévrain a group of Noyon and one for the small middle distance.


Widowhood with fledglings

Leo Heremans preferably the widowhood with the young birds as a travel method. After the first training flights get the squabs old females shown as motivation. After a few weeks the boys know exactly what to expect upon arrival. Mostly these motivated birds are the winners in the short haul.


For Leo, it is important that the pigeons get a bath on Tuesday. If they want, they can also swim yet on Wednesday. He uses Bath salts for the water, because it is of the opinion that the pigeons which get soft feathers and her "tool" that is in optimum condition.


Tips from Master:

  • Set the pigeons as calm as possible in the basket. But when the pigeons come from the air, they leave quietly together for 1-2 hours.


  • For additional motivation always one or two extra cells per compartment are open.


  • The blackout until the first or second week in June and closing exposure makes you three weeks longer have success.


  • Confidence: The pups eat on a feeding table. So they quickly get trust to their master.


  • Grit promotes good digestion and is very important for the intestinal tract.


  • Training - best only compartment fashion and ideally very punctual.


  • Working with the food if they do not work as they should, then give some dietary feed. So sometimes they train harder and better.


  • Avidress plus reduces the risk of infection and improves the physical condition of the pigeons.


Search results:

If one takes a look at the results of Leo Heremans, then you see that he plays only with a very small group of pigeons from Quiévrain and Noyon in Antwerp strong "Tienverbond". Every week he is in the top of the list to indene with prices in the top 100th


Best Flights 2016

Quiévrain (4 old pigeons)

10/04, against 705 Old: 7th, 12th, 15th

17/04, against 629 Old: 2nd, 3rd, 26th

24/04, against 209 Old:. 1

01/05, against 534 Old: 4th, 6th

28/05, against 373 Old: 2, ...

26/06, against 212 Old: 4, ...

17/07, against 223 Old: 2. ..

31/07, against 185 Old: 1st, 2nd, ...


Quiévrain (with year-olds)

10/04, around 1537 year: 11th, 14th, 45th, 86th, ... (10/12)

17/04, against 1304 year: 1st, 34th, 99th, 103rd, ... (9/11)

01/05, to 876 year: 5th, 6th, 19th, 30th, 52nd, ... (7/8)

08/05, to 655 year: 6th, 7th, 24th, 38th, ... (7/10)

25/05, against 729 year: 1, 4, 24, ... (6/7)


Young of Quiévrain

14/08, 1780 Young: 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th

04/09, against 1160 Young: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 46th, 74th

11/09, against 1283 Young: 3rd, 6th, 7th, 30th, 36th, 53rd

18/09, against 997 Boy: 6th, 7th

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