At the end: The moral of the story – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

About the natural way of working with pigeons is already much, et al been written by me. Fortunately the realization takes more and more to that we can better stop, pigeons with medication “cramming”, This realization, we should also not turn in's opposite. Drugs can, provided they are administered with prudence and reason, prevent many problems during the racing season. But for many, the question arises, what medications they should be administered.

Pigeon racing is a nice hobby. In disappointments and flashback but we are far too quickly inclined to seek help in the medicine cabinet. This is not necessarily wrong, but we should have a good agent. That's the whole point. I am now in the process for many years. I have often found that an agent from “Hearsay” bei diesem oder jenem gut geholfen hat, deswegen auch bei den eigenen Tauben verwendet wurde. Leider oft ohne das gewünschte Resultat. Wenn die Not hoch und der Wunsch nach Preisen stark genug ist, wird auch jenes Mittel benutzt, das beim anderen Taubenliebhaber doch auch geholfen hat. Wenn dann nach vielem Hin und Her doch der Gang zum Tierarzt gewählt wird, ist die Infektion schon soweit fortgeschritten, daß nicht nur die Atemwege angetastet sind, sondern auch die Basisabwehr der Tauben einen heftigen Rückschlag erlitten hat. Wenn dann auch das Rezept des Tierarztes nicht schnell hilft, ist das Vorurteil wieder mal bestätigt: auch die Tierärzte haben keine Ahnung. Natürlich läuft es nicht immer so ab – fortunately not. There are many fanciers who know very well what they are doing. For these fanciers I write year after year newsletters, in the hope itself, and with our hospital to provide a good contribution to this beautiful hobby. As already described above, takes the insight that the natural way of working improves the basic health of pigeons to. But what is actually this natural way of working? First and foremost, it means to give good feed. That seems logical first. If we rule “a dove can get the most out of their feed” are to believe, we must keep in mind. Good food is therefore essential for the base. So that we can fill many newsletters and then there are probably still many unanswered questions. In this newsletter, I assume, to use good fodder. Does this mean that therefore all is said? That the benefits but then follow by itself? Pigeon racing is my opinion Topsport. And nowadays we no longer live with respect to the human Topsports in the time of the previous year. The pigeons have changed and the differences between pigeons are not as big as years ago. The flight times are, with exceptions, no longer open. It now depends on minor things.


Little things?

Yes, a small defect enough to fly by the prices. It is intended for short periods, and more often to grab again and after medication to remove the small defects. Certainly, the benefits will be back in some cases. Maybe not as good as hoped for, but still. If we leave it here, always remain hopeful and trust in the miracle of medicine, it may happen that we see a nasty surprise. Nothing succeeds more, nothing works. “The drugs do not work (more)” or “Did not something stronger” then frequent cries for help in practice. However, it may take quite a long time before the tables are turned. If I together menzähle my experiences of the last twenty years, there are a fixed pattern. “And and” I hear some of you now loud nevertheless ken, “this and that for years but plays in this way at the top?” Definitely, but I think that there is exactly a difference. Because how many times I do not hear comments that this or that but “cheat” must, because that's not how the plays. Lots “this or that” I happen to know quite well and I know that they do not just “cheat”, I know that they a “hands” have it and know their pigeons. You can see that something is wrong or know when something is and act in suit preventive, They act not only when the “House already is on fire”, These lovers use drugs. But their use of medication is enough preventative and tried the outbreak of diseases to be previously. How could it be otherwise, that various good gambling lovers only use a Atemwegmix how powder 18 or powder 26? They do this for years without the benefits go back. You do not have access to all sorts of other drugs. They make it easy on yourself. But they do something extra, This means extra preventive action, With the aim of defense the pigeons wrapped as high as possible to contain, that is gen sorted for regularity and good food, so that no defects may arise. Defects can be fatal.


The chain is as strong as its weakest link

This debate is certainly true for the pigeon sport. We can still give so much good. If a defect occurs or a relative deficiency of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements or other, then arise in “building Defence” Cracks. Then bacteria and Virusse, protozoa and / or worms or chlamydia can exert harmful effects. You can all be present, without that the animal has significant discomfort. And just then, the need for certain Vitamins and trace elements higher, because the body is in the alarm phase. If this happens during the racing season, in the already a certain stress for the animals occurs (widowhood, little boys, flights and so on), these infections develop their harmful effect much stronger and bring the defense of the pigeons further at risk. The administration of a drug may be very necessary, but insufficientIf it remains in this case. For years, we add some of our medicines vitamins and trace elements to. Of course, not for the fun! Drugs are nevertheless also substances that the body back dismantle have to be. There are substances that do not want the body that need to be cleaned up. To reduce these often complicated chemical substances additional materials are needed. So if only drugs are administered, the infection is well controlled, but the body hardly gets a chance to fight back. After the infection was caused by a lack of defense. The lack of defense again came by a lack of major building materials about. The cycle is closed. are a result of the lack of reserves, as no additional measures were taken, remained, they can and other infections return and starts all over again. Often worse by a few degrees. Only when pigeons can rest, they can be recovered after a Medizinkur no extra measures. Just… we have time, the program pigeons to treat this rest? In the long-distance pigeons which still works, but for the stress factor and infection pressure is always slightly less. Both Program Doves it is reasonable that drug administration had become necessary with Extra measures to combine.


preventive action

Better is a procedure that keeps the defense of pigeons at a level such that the risk of infection is as small as possible, and not autreten abwehrschwächende defects. So: preventive action. This starts with the mate, One should ensure that pigeons have enough defense when they need to place. It can prevent, to the pigeons stressed very early with a high infection pressure. And that does not mean just to stuff pigeons with medication. Pigeons must namely come with all sorts of diseases in contact in order to build their defense playing as can. All of it “too much” there is not good. When the boys too high infection pressure are exposed, their responsiveness is too much demand, with the result that they grow less well and the defense system developed less favorable. In short, it evolve boy known for all kinds of infections, such as all of us “Adenocoli-Komplex”, vulnerable are. And we responded again with emergency measures and the cycle closes.

Then is the Adenocoli Contagion past, already respiratory problems follow. The reserves have again suffered a setback. The Services are disappointing and we are back to the beginning of the story. That's why I recommend just preventive natural action. In recent years I have occupied myself intensively with the possibilities of strengthening defense and the consequent limited possible medication. We have in the clinic some products developed which have made many fanciers the desired result. Namely a stronger defense of the pigeons. It is not true that a better defense the same for more popular makes, but the basis for this is created. From there, then you can build on the “Form” work. And as we all know, a pigeon with form can fly good prices.


What is the moral of this story?


1, Make already in Sigh for sufficient defense of the pigeons, so that the boy a better start do.

2, Limit the use of drugs on necessary and strategic Moments.

3, Make sure that the reserves after drug administration can be bolstered again.

4, Support the pigeons as much as possible in the construction of an optimal Defense system.

5, She worries during the racing season for regularity and operate according to a fixed scheme.

6, Try, Stress, As well as the way to avoid.

7, Make sure that the pigeons, possibly with extra support at the Form can work.

8. Enjoy they gained prices to which they have waited



boskamp dez 2016


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