
  • Streptococcus ...


    The cause of this disease is completely Streptococcus gallolyticus. In Belgium, the disease is also known under the name of the muscle or wing disease. Now and then a pigeon fancier observed a dove that can badly or not fly anymore. Often we think of course of an infection with paratyphoid…

  • Tip of the week - BEYERS Energy OIL ...

    Tip of the week – BEYERS energy oil…

    This cold pressed oil from soy, corn germ, peanuts, safflower seeds and wheat germ are your pigeons extra energy for the flight in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. For best results, mix twice a week in the second half of the week under the lining. Also excellent for building a silky plumage during moulting…

  • Total sales Kurt Heibel, Mettmann ...

    Total auction Kurt Heibel, Mettmann…

    Totalverkäufe bieten immer die Möglichkeit und Chance an bewiesene Vererber und Spitzenflieger der Extraklasse zu kommen. Kurt Heibel muss den Taubensport nach über 40 Jahren mit Erfolgen am Fließband auf Grund eines Herzinfarktes und den damit verbundenen Folgen aufgeben. Die besten Reise- und Zuchttauben befinden sich in dieser Auktion!

  • Super results 2016 from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands may 14/15...

    Super results 2016 from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands may 14/15...

    SG Faber Roland & Denis, Hamburg 14.05.2016 Neubrandenburg (209 km) RV 2.368 Alttauben 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-9-11-12-13-13-15-16-17-19-21-22-38-39-40-41-44-46-54-59-62- 68-70-71-85-95- 97-111-126-129-149-159-166 usw. (85/103) 14.05.2016 Neubrandenburg (209 km) RV 1.179 Jährige 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7-9-10-11-12-13-14-16-17-18-21-26-33-44-46-56-58-65-65-67-69-71-73-76-80-81-82- 87-96-115-117-117 usw. (57/68) Scholz Britta & Joachim, Netphen 14.05.2016 Altdorf (285 km) RV 494 Tauben 1-2-3-4-4-6-7-7-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-19-20-21-21-23 usw. (75/89) Berger Alfred, Winseldorf

  • Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon Edition May 2016 ...

    Pigeon market / the pigeon sport Edition may 2016…

    Uwe Kreutzfeldt born on May 11, 1944, died on April 9, 2016 Uwe Kreutzfeldt belonged since the 1970s, the most famous personalities of the international pigeon sport. It is not so much as a traveling breeders, but as the man who has driven organizational and technical development of the pigeon sport significantly advanced. From…

  • Vanrobaeys Premium Power mixtures - the new generation of pigeon feed ...

    VANROBAEYS premium power mixes – the new generation of pigeon feed…

    The pigeon sport continues to evolve… What was for VANROBAEYS therefore closer than to work together with success breeders on a food concept that this fact takes into account. Thus arose the current “POWER MIXES” of Vanrobaeys. Practical experience of the most successful breeders and professional implementation by the experts of Vanrobaeys. So for example, Gerhard…

  • Koen Minderhout - Zeeland phenomenon on the one day long distance ...

    Koen Minderhout – the Zeeland phenomenon on the one day long distance…

    When entering travels to Zeeland Koudekerke, you'll immediately notice the beautiful white corn mill, "the Lelie". She is a wonderful eye-catcher in the landscape. Once the mill comes into view, one should drive slower if you want to visit Koen Minderhoud. He lives at the foot of the mill in a house with large…

  • Super results in 2016 from Germany, Belgium and Holland 07/08. May...

    Super results 2016 from Germany, Belgium and Holland 07/08 may…

    Hardy Krüger & Father – Rommerskirchen (D) clacy-et-Thierret distance (in km) 276 km number of abandoned pigeons 661 pigeons number of 41 pigeons pigeons you number of placements won 21 pigeons category (boy, age, years) old & Year-old Placements 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 46th, 50th, 59th, 63rd, 66th, 74th, 81st, 87th, 91st, 98th Berndt Kohagen RV Neubrandenburg 201 name…



    Günther Prange from Meppen ... in Germany there were ever a better breeder than this great champion? His "Ringlose 12" made him world famous. "Ringlose 12" (DV02098-95-12) is the father of the "Euro Star" (1 AS pigeon BRD 2001 Prange) and "1009" (2 AS pigeon BRD 2003 Prange). "Ringlose…

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