VANROBAEYS premium power mixes – the new generation of pigeon feed…

The pigeon sport continues to evolve…

What was for VANROBAEYS therefore closer than to work together with success breeders on a food concept that this fact takes into account. Thus arose the current “POWER MIXES” by Vanrobaeys. Practical experience of the most successful breeders and professional implementation through specialists VANROBAEYS.

For example Gerhard most: “Long time ago I was looking for a suitable partner to implement my ideas and experiences in a food concept. My premises: TOP quality of single crops, continuous mixes for all seasons without big changes for farmers and animals, much fine-grained seed – just perfect for performance pigeons!”


“All compounds are at least 20 types of different, mostly small seed. You especially like to record the pigeons”, explains Gerhard most the idea. “All mixes are identical to 80% and be appropriately adapted to the respective requirements. Usually the mixes include the same grains places, only in a different mixture ratio. So stressful metabolic adjustments are eliminated for the animals.”, so the logical explanation of Gerhard most.

The successes confirm the concept!

vanrobaeys power1 vanrobaeys power2 vanrobaeys power3 vanrobaeys power4 vanrobaeys power5 vanrobaeys power6

All information about the feed mixtures and products of the FA. Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpo get here…(click)



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