With BEYERS by moulting season 2016…

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beyers mauser-exclusiv02

Mauser Exclusive 02 is a Mauser mixture with small Cribbs maize. The mixture contains 19 different components. The feed has important components needed by the organisms mus Dove during the main moult. Advantages of this mixture are:

Mauser Exclusive causes an optimal course of the Mauser by a balanced methionine protein ratio.

The increased energy demand during the moulting season is optimally covered with this mixture.

Mauser classic Exclusiv 02 is much more than just a Mauser feed. It is also excellent seamlessly for early and winter breeding.


Cribbs smaller maize 20%, 14% wheat, 10% vetches, Sorghum bicolor 8%, 6% lenses,

Barley 4%, striped sunflower seeds 4% Toasted soy 4%, 4% Kardi,

Paddy rice 4%, rape 4%, small yellow peas 3%, small green peas 3%

peeled barley 2%, shelled oats 2%, 2% hemp, Plata millet 2%, silver millet 2%

Winterpeas 2%


Carbohydrates 50.83%, crude protein 15.14%, crude fat 7.48%, 6.84% crude cellulose,

Crude ash 2.41%, lysine 0.71%, phosphorus 0.35%, methionine 0.21%, calcium 0.13%


beyers mauser-super03

Premium Mauser mixture for pigeons with Cribbs maize and maize Plata.


Weiβer Weizen 15%, Cribbs-Mais 12%, Maple Peas 10%, Wicken 9%, Dari 8%,

Dunpeas 7%, 7% barley, safflower 7%, Plata corn 7%, 4% paddy rice, buckwheat 2%,

striped sunflower seeds 2%, yellow peas 2%, green peas 2%, Plata millet 2%

Canary 2%, 1% flaxseed, rapeseed 1%


Carbohydrates 54.84%, 14.22% crude protein, crude cellulose 6.76%, crude fat 5.46%

Crude ash 2.22%, lysine 0.67%, phosphorus 0.29%, methionine 0.18%, calcium 0.11%



Mauser mixture for pigeons with Cribbs maize.


Cribbs corn 23%, 20% wheat, 12% Dunpeas, Sorghum bicolor 10%, yellow peas 10%,

green peas 5%, 4% safflower, rapeseed 4%, red sorghum, 4%, 3% striped sunflower seeds,

2% linseed, millet weiβe 2%, Plata-Millet 1%


Carbohydrates 59.62%, crude protein 13.76%, crude fat 6.51%, 6.09% crude cellulose,

Crude ash 2.00%, lysine 0.66%, phosphorus 0.31%, methionine 0.19%, calcium 0.08%

beyers premium Mauser futterplan

Beyers Mauser exclusively futterplan

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