KLAUS pigeon post 2016 – "Assistance for health and performance"…

Dear Sportfreundinnen and sports fans!

The changes in this world are progressing unceasingly.

Who today feels to date, will be overhauled tomorrow, if he does not follow the development.

Everything is in flux. For the pigeon sport, especially the increasing mechanization and the changing age structure are significant.

This result in structural changes, such as mergers to new travel communities and their area stretch.

We need to confront such challenges.

Who doesn't, will be the loser of tomorrow, according to the ancient wisdom: "Stagnation means regression".

This also fully applies to the supply of pigeons.



Continuously, scientific information be used at Klaus existing and the design of new products for the improvement.

We want that your pigeons get optimal care today and in the future to achieve good results. We offer excellent support with our products for their health and performance.

Take advantage of our developments for your pigeons.

Find out about our product range in this pigeon post and pay attention to the pension plans of successful sports enthusiasts, who can be found on the following pages.

See important information about individual products from the descriptions in the catalogue and put together your own individual supply system.

Or let us help.

I wish joy while reading this pigeon post you a healthy and successful year 2016 and much.


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Udo Reinert

Here you can download the current claus pigeon post intro Download 2016…(click)



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