Danny send – "The crack with a small basket"…

Danny send from Schakkebroek, BE

"The crack with a small basket"


Luc and Danny send - excellence with a few pigeons!

Danny plays with his brother Luc in the Limburg Schakkebroek in Herk-de-Stad. The two successful brothers are known for their top results "with the little basket" for years. They are also business successfully. Both operate a strawberry breeding and it is very likely that they also send cost already berries from the House.



The trip is staffed only with a few pigeons...

Already in 1990, the brothers won their first provincial victory from Chateauroux sending, in 1996 the car winners were car of Bourges, and since the year 2000, the services go steeply upwards. So was the tandem in the year of 2002 provincial master of the Limburgse Fund Club and won again in 2004 and 2009 respectively the first provincial from Chateauroux and Montauban.

The title "the crack with a small basket" originated here. These two provincial victories were each only an eingekorbten pigeon earned! In the 2009 season, even the 1st prize was won provincial Argenton at the youngsters through "F". "FABIAN" was the best young pigeon from all over Belgium at the national flights from Bourges and Argenton.


In 2010, it was named after the son of Danny, "LUCAS" BE10-5041687, of the title 3. best young pigeon on national flights from Bourges, Argenton and Guéret.


In 2011 there was the provincial victory of Souillac, 2012 provincial victory from tulle the same Dove, BE09-5163709 "MISS SOULLAC".


In 2013, the first provincial Cahor was won.

In 2014, the brothers were sending twice on the provincial stage top.


The breeding of pigeons sit in boxes in a warehouse for the strawberries...

Root structure

Here, everything is very clear. Thanks to a good, long-standing friendship many of Roosen ACEs in the Kustraat came to pros Roosen after Herk.de.Stad, or to community breeding to remain there. So the current breeding stock to 70% consists of the direct offspring of the "FREDDY" and the BLAUWE PRINS European pigeons by pros Roosen".

This exception doves with doves were complemented by Leon Jacobs (Blauwe Leo), Eric Limbourg (Luck77 and blue ACE), Guido Rego (last Queen), Johan Vandamme, Romain Schots and not to mention a grandson of Aladin on young Jupid.


Small basket – Super results

For Danny and Luc sending everything is quite simply: "The rigorous selection on performance and our fondness for the good pigeons of pros Roosen shall ensure that we achieve very good results with very few pigeons.", so, Dany summarizes the recipe for success to send.

The following achievements more than convincingly documented this view:

2009: Montauban: 1e Provinciaal – 2E Nationaal (1/1)

2011: Souillac: 1e Provinciaal – 14E Nationaal

3E provincial – 26 Nationaal (3/3)

2012: Tulle: 1e Provinciaal – 2E Nationaal zone C (2/2)

2013: Cahors: 1e Provinciaal – 4E Nationaal (1/2)

2014: Valence: 3e provincial – 7E Nationaal (1/1)

Montauban: 2e provincial – 7E Nationaal zone C (1/1)

Argenton I: 5e Provinciaal – 13E Nationaal (2/2)


Impressive results – or?


The year 2014

The bird which flies the 3 Provinzal and the 7th national of valence 2014 was bred from two pigeons, which were purchased on the PIPA auctions. "" The father is the grandson of "Aladdin" and the mother is a direct Johan Vandamme from the line of "Marseille" of Marcel Aelbrecht and of 'Dromer' of de Rauw-Sablon.

The winning pigeon of the second provincial of Montauban, which is "Pros Junior" a direct brother of 1 provincial AS pigeon in 2012 and a son of 'Geschelpte pros", the top breeders at the brothers send and grandson of the unique 'Blauwe Prins' pros Roosen.


The bird which flies the 5 provincial Argenton I (Witje pros BE13-5010918), national WINS no less than 5 5 airfares. Also in this Dove flows the blood of 'Blauwe Prins' pros Roosen. Paternal grandmother is a granddaughter of 'Blauwe Prins' maternal grandparents, and a great-granddaughter of 'Blauwe Prins'. "As they say: good blood does not lie!"


senden Witpen average pedigree

These TOP results brought following national and provincial rankings:


4. national champion KBDB Grote halve Fund years

5. National AS pigeon KBDB Grote Halve Fund year old with "DALUKA" B-13-5010806

1 provincial champion KBDB Grote halve Fund years

2. provincial AS pigeon KBDB Grote Halve Fund year old with "DALUKA" B-13-5010806


Send daluka pedigree

Danny and Luc send

Kustraat 14-3540 SCHAKKEBROEK – Belgium
T 32(0)495 34 64 55 –


PS: on 24 October 2015 in Kassel international TaubenMarkt 1 child are of “DALUKA” and from the best breeding pair, parents of 3 provincial winners, in a "PREMIUM auction - Belgian SUPERSTARS" offered.

doves market auction belgian superstars 2015


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