Ruhr area cub travel 2014 30.08.2014-31.08.2014

Ruhr area cub travel 2014 30.08.2014-31.08.2014


Ruhr area 19.07.2014

The season 2014 slowly leans toward the end. The young Dove travel 2014 will be history next weekend.

A very exciting trip year 2014 with beautiful but also with less beautiful events will then depend on a long season in the minds of the breeder. There are also free Wettflüge in the offer, will bring a nice contact to other travel associations with some breeders.

Some breeders have to fight to their achieved positions until this is done, we can enjoy the thoughts ever 2015 a little on the season.

What will become of the Ruhr area flights?

Will it create those responsible in the boat to get back the entire Ruhr area, they will win back confidence from the Züchterschaft.

It is really to hope that they succeed, as it sports would be a huge step backwards for the Ruhr area pigeons.

ruhrgebiet siegereherung

The latest report from the Ruhr area will be on the 24.09.2014, as I am with the family at the holidays.

All a peaceful and successful conclusion of the season.


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wichert schroll schneider

K.H. Walters cutter Sakamoto.

The regional association of 402 started yet no regional flight.

Here are some winner from the communities in flight.

Dortmund West, marten and Bram Bauer 2240 pigeons in the Bavarian village of rotten launched 270 km. Triple victory for the Bram peasant farmers.

Schleich 1.Preis and grandson, 2nd 3rd Prize SG Thormann

Dortmund Aplerbeck, Scharnhorst and Nordberg Bergkamen 2296 had pigeons for the flight from Wiesentheid basked from 65 beats.

Double victory for the SG Limberg from the RV Aplerbeck, 3rd prize won the breeder of black from the RV Nordberg Bergkamen.

She put the most pigeons Transport community Lünen, Selm, dates and Waltrop, Germany. 3008 pigeons were released in good conditions in the Bavarian Wiesentheid.

Today's winner Franz FIS m from the RV Selm, 2. And Hober 3rd prize went to Heinz.

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koslowsky horst

Horst Koslowski

The regional association of 402 started yet no regional flight.

Here also some winners from the Rven.

Germania Werne brought pigeons from 58 strokes for the race at the start from Wiesentheid 2125, Haelker K.u F winner.

Ingo Skibba clinched the victory in the RV Hamm on the lip against 2218 pigeons out of 49 shots. Will was also a Wiesentheid.

The Верле, found their winner with a participation of 2248 pigeons out of 62 shots in the SG Walter p W.

Winfried Struff is by the the winner of the flight from Schweinfurt, RV Möhnetal Warstein was organized. 1755 pigeons from 50 strokes were at the start.

Please comments and images


For you from the Ruhr area


Thomas Kambey dinner

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