Inside – Stephan Machiels/Sabrina Brugmans…

Stephan Grotzsch war zu Besuch in Belgien und hat ein spannendes Interview mit Stephan Machiels geführt, der gemeinsam mit seiner Frau unter dem Namen Sabrina Brugmanns reist.

Röhnfried wünscht viel Spaß bei den Einblicken in Stephans Taubenschlag! 🕊

Themenübersicht: 00:00:00 Begrüßung und Vorstellung 00:01:40 Ausrichtung des Schlages 00:02:27 Die Alttierreise 00:03:34 Impfung der Reisetauben, Kuren und Tierarztbesuche 00:05:10 Training 00:06:15 Anpaarungssystem 00:07:46 Führung durch den Taubenschlag 00:09:26 Reisesystem in Belgien 00:10:30 Die gewonnenen Nationalflüge 00:13:17 Vorstellung der Top-Tauben 00:17:58 Wieso spielen Stephan und Sabrina nur mit Weibchen? 00:19:13 Die Versorgung der Reiseweibchen bei Flügen ab 300km 00:21:00 Moorgold, Entrobac und Immunbooster 00:22:11 Fütterungskonzept 00:26:00 Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season – Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season The breed 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 00Medical care during the season Medical care during the season 0Medical care during the season Medical care during the season

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