Both are grain and seed mixes that do not contain corn. Legumes (eg, peas, vetches, beans, toasted soy, and lentils) are also absent from both mixes. The terms "cleansing" and "dieting" can also give the impression that both mixes are similar. In fact, however, they differ in their composition and thus in their functionality as a pigeon mixture.



The main ingredients of “cleansing mixes” are barley (30-35%)-wheat (25-30%)- white and red dari (15-20%)- paddy rice (±10%)- safflower (±5%) and small seeds (8-10%). As a result, "cleansing mixes" are particularly high in carbohydrates (+60%), rather low in protein (10% raw protein) and have a relatively low fat content of 4 to 5%. Barley and paddy rice have a high crude fiber content (5-7%) and are high in dietary fiber, which helps regulate bowel movements and promote good bowel function. Barley is even higher in fiber than paddy rice, which makes pigeons feel full even faster. Incidentally, these fibers can be found undigested in the feces, but the energy intake from paddy rice is higher. The origin of the name lies in this detoxifying or cleansing effect of the intestines due to the presence of many dietary fibers “cleaning mixtures”.


"Diet mixes" were only developed after it had been demonstrated that fats and the energy from them are determinant of pigeon performance. Attempts have been made to increase the fat content and energy value of the mix, preferably with easily digestible grains and seeds. So it's no longer a cleansing function, but a faster recovery so that pigeons get back to their level faster after the flight. Fiber-rich grains (such as barley and paddy rice) were therefore replaced with easily digestible, protein and fat-rich grains and seeds to help the pigeons build up more quickly for the next flight. In addition to the complete absence of barley and a significantly lower proportion of paddy rice and wheat, these "diet mixtures" contain more safflower (28% crude fat content) and other additions of small and very fatty seeds with a higher usable protein content such as hemp, linseed and katjang idjoe . This leads to a higher crude fat content (±12%) and a higher crude protein content (±13%) in the "diet mixes". In fact, the term "diet mix" is very confusing for growers. The term "diet" can be misinterpreted to refer only to limiting the amount of energy. Diet mixes for pigeons are energy-enriched feed combined with protein-enriched feed. By no means are there mixtures that ensure slimmer pigeons by making excess fat disappear. In the racing season, the “rest” periods during the week are shorter and the training is always intense. Therefore, a higher fat and protein content is necessary to quickly bring the pigeons back to their level after returning home with easily digestible grains and seeds. Apparently "diet mixes" have taken the place of "cleansing mixes" in the racing season. While many short-haul pigeon fanciers remain faithful to full or partial 'purge mixes' early in the week after returning from the flight, the use of 'purge mixes' is increasingly being deferred to longer periods of recovery and rest. For example in the period from November to March: after the moult until the start of the next racing season), possibly in combination with a winter/resting mixture, or in the racing season for pigeons that only take part in races every 2 or 3 weeks.

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