André and Tobias Klütsch – Supply during the cub travel…

The pigeon racing - a childhood sweetheart with a happy ending

Tobias and André were infected with the pigeon sport even as a small child. At that time they lived while in Cologne, where a Pigeon breeding was not possible, but on weekends and during the holidays we went to Granddad and his pigeons to Dinslaken. "An entflogenes cub," said the twenty-six told Tobias, "we later come with a breeder near us in contact, who signed up in the club and supported us in the early days in pigeon racing. 2009 André (32 years) and I first started to participate with youngsters in Traveling in RV Dinslaken. Since we travel together. "
Weil die beiden damals noch in Köln zur Schule gegangen sind, bzw. die Universität besucht haben (Tobias ist gelernter Kaufmann, André Apotheker) gestaltete sich der Einstieg jedoch recht schwierig. „Mal abgesehen von den Ferien“, so Tobias, „haben wir unsere Tauben nur am Wochenende gesehen. Seit 2012 wohnen wir in Dinslaken. Das hat vieles einfacher gemacht. Einfach schon deswegen, weil wir täglich bei unseren Täubchen sein können. 2015 haben wir dann unseren neuen Schlag gebaut und zwei Jahre später habe ich aus Freude am Fotografieren begonnen, unseren Instagram Account aufzubauen. Seit Frühjahr 2018 sind wir zudem stolze Kooperationspartner von Röhnfried. Unsere Großvater hat die Produkte schon genutzt und auch wir haben sie schätzen gelernt.“

Klütsch other and tobias

Die brothers André (left) and Tobias Klütsch (right) from Dinslaken travel together regional association's 400th Tobias also operates the very successful Instagram portal "Pigeondiary".


Our observations and deviations during the cub travel

„Mein Beruf als Apotheker“, erklärt André Klütsch, „bringt es mit sich, über sachgemäße Anwendungen, Aufbewahrung, Wirkungsweisen und Risiken von Medikamenten und Zusatzstoffen Bescheid zu wissen. Ich schaue einfach auf Wirkungsweise, Qualität, Bioverfügbarkeit und Darreichungsformen. Deshalb haben wir gemeinsam unseren Versorgungsplan, den wir während der Jungtierreise so umgesetzt haben, zu Papier gebracht und versucht, unsere Beobachtungen und Abweichungen zu erklären. Sollte es hierzu Fragen oder Verbesserungen geben – so sind wir dafür dankbar. Unser Bestreben ist es, unsere Tauben optimal zu versorgen und es bereitet uns besondere Freude, wenn wir durch den Einsatz verschiedener Produkte hier einen positiven Effekt beobachten können.“

Supply Boy 2018

Sunday (the day of travel)

1. Potions: BT Amin forte 15ml / l drinking water + MUMM 2ml / l + Rotosal you Flug
2. Clean curls with minerals and shelled sunflower seeds + some Winput
3. After about 1-1,5h normal serving: Hessechol Hatchling powder Entrobac
4. evening potions Change: Avitestin 5ml / l + UsneGano 3ml / l
5. Normale Portion: Marsh gold Hatchling powder Entrobac

The pigeons have - provided that - very quickly recovered from the flights. Especially the first potions contributes, in our opinion, especially for rapid regeneration in. By evening feeding Marsh gold and the support of the intestinal flora, the feces of the night was already very well again. Our observation after, this effect is Hatchling powder better than having Immunbooster, Why? For this we have so far no explanation!
Avitestin to reduce the infection pressure and optimal formation of the intestinal flora is an essential component. Outside the trip we administer it like with Entrobac via drinks. The excrement is immediately bound and the pigeons make a better impression. UsneGano has both a positive effect on digestion, as well as the respiratory tract. We have observed that in pigeons that are healthy are not 100%, the nose warts during use of UsneGano are often grayish. It appears to act as a surfactant, and to loosen the powder. If the animals are not 100% fit, the new formation is not enough to compensate for this.

Klütsch impact


1. Avitestin 5 ml/ l + UsneGano 3 ml/ l
2. Normale Portion: Hessechol Hatchling powder K K protein 3000 Entrobac
3. morning Expert-Mineral; in the evening Winput

Here we have found it better to relieve the liver and thus to promote the regeneration when again with Marsh gold to work. I would, however, make also depends on the nature of the droppings. Is this not so good, then comes Marsh gold mixed in the food.
Also with Hessechol the components can be bonded very well to the food. On this day no workout at the house.


1. Drinking water: Avitestin and UsneGano
2. Lining morning: Breathing free Avimycin
3. Feed the evening: Marsh gold, Hatchling powder, K K protein 3000
In the morning Expert-Mineral; in the evening Winput
Depending on the severity of the next flight, a mixture of hemp and ground peanuts (8 minutes grilled)

With the combination of UsneGano, Avimycin and Breathing free you get the tabs for a stock in good shape even more radiant. If the Constitution is not great, as seen in some animals, that the lugs are greyish, s.o..Dies improved by the end of next week, but then often in the same animals in the following week again. but the travel performance of these animals can still be good.
In later returned home pigeons we could regeneration by administering Topfit special feed lime on the day of return and K K protein tablets significantly improve the next day. So were able to catch up again in training and on the next flight of these animals.


1. Drinking water: Avitestin, Witches beer and Carni-speed.
2. Lining morning: Flash form
3. Feed the evening: Flash form and RO 200 ready
In the morning Expert-Mineral; in the evening Winput
Depending on the severity of the next flight, a mixture of hemp and ground peanuts (8 minutes grilled)

Just as the young animal travel and the high temperatures this year we have Avitestin used as often as possible. This is also a clear difference is in our opinion, Avidress plus to recognize in terms of intestinal health.
By administering Witches beer, Carni-speed (In water) and Flash form the food with the training behavior has again significantly increased.

Klütsch pigeon breast


1.Trinkwasser: Avitestin, Witches beer and Carni-speed
2. Lining morning: Flash form
3. Feed the evening: Flash form and RO 200 ready
In the morning Expert-Mineral; in the evening Winput
Depending on the severity of the next flight, a mixture of hemp and ground peanuts (8 minutes grilled)

Night after feeding the pigeons we left for about 2 hours together.


1. Drinking water: Carni-speed Rotosal 7ml/ l
2. Lining morning: Breathing free, Avimycin
3. Feed the evening: Energy oil and RO 200 ready (With heavier flights mornings and evenings!)
In the morning Expert-Mineral; in the evening Winput
Depending on the severity of the next flight, a mixture of hemp and ground peanuts (8 minutes grilled)

On the last full day of the week we have tried to fill the pigeons with the necessary energy. So the combination of Energy oil and L-carnitine (Carni-speed) best for. Means Butafosfan (Rotosal) Metabolism can be stimulated.

Saturday (day)

1. Rotosal 10ml/ l, electrolyte 3Plus
2. normal serving without additives + mixture of hemp / peanuts
3. Two hours after feeding a bathroom with Bath salts of Röhnfried

Especially in this season, it was very useful to provide the pigeons on the day of use with sufficient electrolyte. With us, we were able, in the so-served pigeons observe any convulsions on arrival. Even the idea that pigeons when electrolytes are in the water, drink less, could not be observed by us. They should just get used well before the start of the journey to all tastes.



röhnfried sept 2018

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