In September 2018 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...



The moulting period, the basis for the coming year.

This time of year we regularly get asked the question of how best to support the Mauser at the pigeons. Traditionally, we have a firm Mauser scheme. This consists of our basic system, which is supplemented with products that are primarily intended for the promotion of Mauser. The moulting period is a very important period, although some breeders take it easy during this time. But now the foundation is laid for the success of next year.

Try as little as possible to work during this time with medication. There are several agents that can cause a "quirk" in the springs, which of course we must prevent.

Our own pigeons now receive (in addition to the Bony base system), the Bony Basic T Bony Bonichol together with the Bony Mauser vitamin, which is rich in biotin. Biotin the body needs for the production of keratin, which is certainly essential for the plumage in the moult.

But it is also important that we support the liver and stimulate the excretion through the liver and kidneys. We have developed the Bony base-T several years ago. During this time the Bony base-T should be administered to 12 consecutive days in drinking water as a remedy.

The Bony Bonichol contains choline, methionine and lysine, which are necessary for optimal liver function during the moulting period. This makes it clear that we already support with the above procedure, the Mauser. The Bony Bonichol and Bony Mauser vitamin can be given 2 to 3 times a week.

Above three products, the Bony base-T 1000 ml and 500 ml Bony Bonichol and Bony Mauser vitamin 150gr we as Bony action Mauser package for 47, – Euro to take 52.40 euros.

In addition, we also have a standard Bony Mauser package that is available for 71.35 Euro instead of 79.25 Euro. This includes even more products that are specifically designed for the moulting period.

The Bony Bio System

A step further we go with the Bony Bio System. This is a new balanced system that consists of the following three products: Bony Bio Complete, Bony Bio Boost Bio and Bony B.M.T.

The Bony Bio Complete is used to improve the intestinal flora. The Bony Bio Complete consists of a fermented herbal extract that optimizes the intestinal flora.

The Bony Bio Boost consists of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. Research has shown that these short and medium chain glycerides have antibacterial, antiviral and performance-enhancing properties. Bony Bio Boost contains exactly these fatty acids to inhibit Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria and viruses fettumhüllte also be disabled. Moreover, these bacteria can not develop resistance to these glycerides.

The Bony Bio B.M.T. provides enough crude fiber and amino acids to make the spring changes smoothly. In particular, sulfur-containing amino acids important during the moulting and must be given sufficient during this period. The Bony Bio B.M.T. Lecithin also contains, specific minerals and a mixture of monoglycerides and diglycerides of butyric acid, caprylic acid, Carpinsäure, propionic acid and lauric acid.

A good bowel function is important and is based on the natural health and is Bony Bio Complete, Bony Bio Boost Bio and Bony B.M.T. together very well achieved.

We therefore strongly recommend to use the Bony Bio System during the molting period, as the use of drugs, as already mentioned, can provide spring damage. By Bony Bio System You can fight these pathogens in a natural way without drugs and prevent.

We give our own pigeons the Bony Bio System throughout the year together with the Bony base system to optimize the health of the pigeons.

The Bony Bio System is now available for 46 euros instead of 51.80 euros. It includes the following products; Bony Bio Complete 250 ml, 250 ml and Bio Boost Bony Bony Bio B.M.T. 500 gr.

If you are interested in the Bony Basic system for more information about this Link. This can be ordered in three sizes, all with an attractive package discount.

Bony bath salts

Bony bath salts is renewed and enriched with eucalyptus. Bony bath salts are the pigeons a glossy and soft plumage and also helps to optimize the Mauser.

We have done a great deal for you that you should not miss. When buying one of the following packages: Bony Basic package (large, medium or small), Bony action Mauser package Bony Mauser package or Bony Bio System you get 1 x Bony bath salts 750 grams with a value of € 9.25 FREE. This super offer is therefore in addition to the package discounts valid and applicable until 30.09.2018.


Good luck

Boskamp at research1

Peter Boskamp


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