Tip of the week – "The makers of 2017"…

röhnfried macher 2017 intro

"The makers of 2017" - a new video format that specifically focuses on the main interest of pigeon fanciers. The new video collection offers facts, expert comments and specific instructions for the modern pigeon sport. A total of six national top breeders and two well-known experts analyze the best travel and strike systems, will present their personal pension system and a wide range of ace-pigeons. In a top image quality, the new season's most modern infotainment offers and brings to the point, what is important in the modern pigeon racing today.

These issues do you expect:

Leadership, motivation & Training, loft construction, supply tips, strain construction, farming systems, selection, presentation of breeding & Reise-Asse, u.v.m.

Bonus material:

Valuable additional information and extensive impact analysis of Alfred Berger and Denis Faber.
2 Lernvideos pro DVD!

DVD Video series of new generation

A total of 6 videos with about 7 hours of programming

In addition, each DVD contains extensive impact analyzes of Alfred Berger and Denis Faber. They provide valuable additional information and filter out the special factors of success portrayed top punches.

Opinions of breeders that have reached us so far!

"We are planning to organize and the next street party of the clubs, the videos are also used several movie nights in the club. We also carry the offspring and continue the cohesion is strengthened within the community. "

"In one fell swoop you can see the success factors of six top
compare proposals and identifies matches that make up the success. "

"Since so many stuck detailed suggestions in it, just for sports fans who always travel in the same way and thus not legally move forward."

"In the comments is drawn to a lot of little things that are often overlooked in everyday life. Many simple things you can take over without much effort for their own beat. "

Wishing Well flight and an exciting movie night

Her Alfred Berger


The videos can be ordered right here…(click)

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