VANROBAEYS Lady Mix N° 56 – the answer for the modern pigeon racing…

The game with the pigeons has revolutionized the pigeon sport. The longer, the more lovers in all distances and especially on medium-haul and medium-haul heavy play with a pair of doves has increased.
The term "the weaker sex" is certainly not applicable in view of the prevailing results of these pigeons.

Our dietitians have at the request of our customers, "pigeon specialists" a specific mixture „Lady Mix N° 56“ assembled and tested by champions and approved.

Why now this particular blend? Many try throughout the season with the pigeons to compete, but after a few weeks it was wrong. The current mixtures on the market because of their weekly information already too heavy or too light with the known effects.

The answer: "Lady Mix N ° 56"
A high-energy, but easily digestible base mix for the whole week. rebuild contains many rapidly digested proteins / proteins), amino acids and essential fats that enable fast recovery of your pigeons to the necessary reserves for the next flight. At the end of the week, we recommend 20 to 50% Top Energy no. 35 add on the middle distance and heavy means plug after heavy flights.

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