23 Spring Fair on 3-4. March 2018 in Houten ...

pro 2018

Most 3rd and March 4th 2018 open the organizers, the doors to the thousands of visitors who all want to participate in the start of the coming season. In order to address the latest trends and developments, requires an event of this magnitude with 10000 square meters Exhibition area a considerable preparation time, which is now almost complete. The organization reports a growing interest of exhibitors in particular grandstand flights and strong traveling breeders. The last group offers its first or sometimes the second round of youngsters. Exhibitors offering their first round for sale, usually mate their animals at the turn.

Registration for Europe's largest spring event have been underway for several months at full speed. With the exceptions wnigen huge complex in Expo Houten is full to the brim. For this 23rd edition, the organization predicts Growth of 10% to exhibitors, To keep pace with this growth, some corridors were shortened and sacrificed the small terrace in Halle first At the Expo Houten are already enough seats available, because of the large terraces in Hall 2 and 3 and in the cozy cafe and restaurant located around 700 visitors can stretch their legs.


First full service event in the world

Last year, the organization made known that this is the first event in the world, in selling pigeons transported werden können. So können gekaufte Vögel problemlos an die Adresse des Käufers geliefert werden. Die meisten Taubentransport-Unternehmen und sogar Quarantänefirmen sind während der Frühjahrmesse anwesend, um Tauben in alle Ecken Europas und sogar weltweit mit dem Flugzeug zu transportieren. Der Trend der letzten Jahre zeigt, dass Aussteller und Besucher in den kommenden Jahren immer mehr mit dem Flugzeug nach Houten anreisen. Damit wird das größte Frühjahrs Event in Europa neue Zielgruppen ansprechen und die Veranstaltung wird noch internationaler werden. Speziell für britische und irische Fans wird Walker Euro Transport einen Messestand einrichten, um Ihre gekauften Tauben innerhalb kürzester Zeit an Ihre Haustür zu bringen!

More than 250 exhibitors are unique in Europe

To see everything in Houten, it is impossible to rush through the exhibition space. If you're considering a visit to the Spring Fair in consideration, please allow sufficient time. In more than 20 years the organizer Pieter Kos has an exhibition Name and reputation constructed with a CharismaThat guarantees fun every year, but also new acquaintance with like-minded people. Simply enter the exhibitors' stands and get the information that, as already mentioned, the ultimate chance is to get the best information and products for your pigeons as a breeder.

We recommend potential visitors are organizing a bus trip or enthusiastic breeders who are planning a visit by plane to contact the organization by e-mail. With their years of experience they have many tips that they would like to share with you. The e-mail address is: info@proffsport.nl


Write down the date in your calendar and third March 4, 2018!

More information on www.proffsport.nl

For their navigation system: 3992 AE (Meidoornkade 24 in Houten).

Opening hours:

Saturday, March 3, 2018 9:00 to 17:00

Sunday, March 4, 2018 9:00 to 15:00


€ 12.50 per person per day, the weekend ticket € 20.00, children under 12 years free!

wooden Aussteller 2018_1 wooden Aussteller 2018_2

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