Blutsauger – Mites by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

What importance does the blood in relation to the performance of the pigeon, described on pages 12 and 24th An issue that is rarely addressed in this context, the mites are.

Check now and then your pigeons (Red or check pigeons best) by holding the open sash against the light. Just off the quills that only about 1 mm wide, persistent and very unpleasant is to recognize "red mite". Is this very difficult to control type does not exist, everything is fine.

In addition, the blood mite is a dangerous parasite that day hides in cracks and crevices in the impact. At night, he attacks the animals, thus causing unrest. The pigeons clatter in the Nistzellen. very widespread in chickens is still the mange mite, and the incredibly stubborn Nordic mite.

In addition to the unrest that spread these bloodsuckers, they weaken the pigeons in that they deprive the animal blood. In extreme cases, the pigeons can lose 2.5% of their body weight in blood. This necessitates performance drops by itself. Moreover, they render long term illnesses, such as salmonella, E. coli and even smallpox.

A really good acting agent, however, are the so-called. Endo / ecto-drops that are applied to the skin and also have good efficacy against worms. After treatment with the proper preparation your pigeons are about 4-6 months free of parasites. Talk to us personally.

Treat your pigeons 3 times a year, by distributing each dove a drop directly to the skin – im März vor der Reise, im August nach der Reise sowie im Dezember nach der Mauser. Auf die von Ihnen behandelten Tauben wird während des Korbaufenthaltes oder bei Ausstellungen so auch kein Ungeziefer überspringen. Sie bleiben also frei davon.

Make absolutely sure that your pigeons are please all year free of ectoparasites.

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Dr. Hans - Peter Brockamp
IPC sports products

Colonel breed 102
56154 Boppard

Phone: 49 2651 701 360
Fax: 49 2651 701 361

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