impact management – by Alfred Berger…

The success or failure of a drug delivery depends more or less on a corresponding impact management. After drug treatment, it is always important to reduce our view, also the risk of infection. Because if you do not disinfect, reinfection occurs sofoert after stopping treatment. The drug of choice for a cure against coccidiosis and worms is our product Eimeran, It disinfects safely and reliably, the worm eggs and Kokzidienooyzsten.

If a bacterial pathogens such as salmonella or a virus such as the paramyxovirus is made disinfection necessary developed the 2016 disinfection Pro the drug of choice. However, it not only disinfects bacteria and all viruses, but also fungi and yeasts.

An insect infestation can be great with our Aparasit Preventing where one ejects all niches Nistzellen and spring catches twice a year with it.

however, a completely different approach our Avibac Stabilizer, Using the probiotic bacteria contained therein are occupied, the free Pätzen on all playing surfaces with positive bacteria. Thus pathogens are displaced and created a great impact climate. Try it, you will be amazed how the pigeons react.

berger 2016

Röhnfried provides for carrier pigeons to a wide range with a variety of products that are aimed at very different needs and applications. Throughout the world, breeders thus achieve world-class success in the nurture and the air race.


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