MALLORCA DERBY – run last Flights successful before the final…

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Am Freitag, den 29. September 2017 starteten 470 Derbytauben zum dritten und letzten Preisflug vor dem Finale am kommenden Samstag. Vom offenen Meer aus knapp 130 km startete Bernardo die Tauben um 11:00 Uhr. Die Tauben zogen geschlossen ab und machten sich auf den Weg Richtung Heimatschlag. Um 13:33 Uhr erreichten die ersten Tauben die Schlaganlage. Die Tauben flogen in kleineren und größeren Gruppen ein. Es ist zu vermuten, dass sie bei Erreichen der Insel von Greifvögeln angegriffen wurden und sich dabei getrennt haben. Nach gut einer halben Stunde waren etwa 350 Tauben heimgekehrt. Bis zum Abend waren es dann gut 400 Tauben. Weitere Tauben folgten am zweiten Tag so dass eine ansprechende Zahl an Derbytauben das Finale bestreiten wird.

We must congratulate the following breeders / teams to their earnings:

Ring No. Teamname
DV4052-17-364 SXG Göbel + Sohn
1.354,842 m
NL-17-1180245 Crown & Ladies crown
1.354,264 m
DV3583-17-619 Pigeon friends OWL
1.354,177 m
DV1619-17-277 Team homecoming Körrenzig
1.354,060 m
DV3111-17-33 Peter Stephan
1.353,884 m

Here you will find the complete list Arrival…(click)

Prize money for the final race on 07 October 2017


Bernardo has now determined the prize money for the Mallorca-Derby 2017 and informed us. Starting from 513 activated Derby pigeons he has made the following distribution of prizes:

Placements on the Final Flight

1. € 6000.00 + trophy
2. € 3000.00 + trophy
3. € 2000.00 + trophy
4. € 1500.00 + trophy
5. € 1000.00 + trophy
6.-10. each 500,00 € + Trophy
11.-20. each € 150.00
21.-60. each € 115.00 or a voucher for dasMallorca Derby 2018


Ladys Cup

1. 200,00 €
2. 175,00 €
3. 125,00 €



1. 1.400,00 €
2. 650,00 €
3. 450,00 €
4. 200,00 €
5. 125,00 €

Thus the first sixty ranks are eligible to win. The prize for the top-ranked pigeons remained stable. Bernardo has opted for an appreciation of the As-pigeons. Here now receive the first five pigeons that score a prize. Compared to last year the prize money has been raised again here.

As additional earnings per one coupon for a starting place in the coming year to be flown out for the last two pigeons that are registered on the day of the final flight.

We wish all participants every success.


Organizational the final on Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday, 07 October, the time has come now, the final of Mallorca Derby 2017 is pending.

All participants, friends and guests will experience together with us on site the final, we want to get to the end some information today.

On Friday evening, 06 October, the pigeons are used. Those who want to join us for the insertion is to of course welcome. We ask that those interested in our (Michael Schulz 0175 207 979 3 or
Martin Tamsel 0163 889 346 1) to Wednesday, 04 October, login, so that we can ensure sufficient transport capacity. For the finale we are from the breeder Hotel “Riu Concordia” use buses that drive us to the finca and we will also return again. The buses are available from 10:00.

At Finca expect Media and Bernardo. They are supported by family and friends and will make every effort to offer us a great day on their estate. Food and drinks will be provided as usual. Grilled and national delicacies will be as present as alcoholic and soft drinks.

For the bus ride is a fee of 10,00 Euro pro Person to be paid. The cost is on the finca 20,00 Euro pro Person, This means that prices, as in previous years remain constant and there are all the expenses covered.
When boarding the buses, we will collect the total amount of 30.00 euros. We ask you to register for the bus trip by mail ( Or Michael and Martin, supra) so that we get an overview of how many people will ride.

The popular prediction game we are at the Finca also offer again, in which each participant can rely on his feathered friends. The organization will take over Michael.

We ourselves are from Thursday, 05 October, in the Breeders Hotel and are available to you for further inquiries.

For the Sunday after the finals, we are planning a forum with Johannes Jacobs on current topics of the pigeon sport in the Breeders Hotel. Details will announce on the final day.

Unfortunately it does not work with a trip this year. Media did not make it due to time constraints to prepare an interesting route. We hope that we can again then next year offer an excursion.

We wish all participants, guests and friends a pleasant journey and look forward to sunny days in Majorca.

Team Mallorca Derby

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