TOP Results 09/10 weekend. September 2017…

SG Feldotto & sons – Ahlen (D)


10.09.2017 Bad Kissingen (232 km) RV 675 Jungtb.

1-4-11-12-13-15-21-22-24-28-31-32 etc. (25/32)


Team slept Stiens – Oelde (D)

stiens 2017

10/09/2017 Götzenberg (234 km) RegV. 3720 Jungtb.

2 to 26, 35 to 45, 47-49-49-54-59-60-66-67-69-72-74-77-85-89-94-95-104-107-110-


308-318-334-345-359-396 etc. (93/126)


Tönsmeyer, Manfred & Theresa – Verl (D)

Tönsmeier 2015

10.09.2017 Dudelange (319 km) RegV. 13.651 Jungtb.

6-17-72-80-82-91 etc. (50/109)

Mühling Markus (D)

Mühling beide

Flight Community Plettenberg / Iserlohn
5th and last Flights youngsters on September 10, 2017
from Ölper 215 km, 902 pigeons
81 pigeons set - 73 Prices
1. Jung flightmasters the travel association
1. Jung flightmasters the aviation community
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, Best Jungtaube der RV
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th BEST Jungtaube der FG
on all youngsters flights the first prize was won!


Elkemann Frank racing pigeon (D)


10:09:17 Jungtaubenflug "Rottendorf" 336 Km
654 Pig. 20 Fancier’s 27/17 Pr.
1,704 Pig. 44 Fancier’s 27/15 Pr.
7,325 Pig. 209 Fancier’s 27/17 Pr.


Team Zumdiek Juergen & Rolf, Harsewinkel (D)

zumdiek both 2017

RV 788 birds 241 km: 11-18-26-39-57-63-66-102-104–… etc. (47/25=53%)
FG 1.876 birds (47/26=55%), REG 4.868 birds (47/26=55%)


Dautzenberg Leon – Kerkrade (NL)

dautzenberg collage 3

Marche 88km 1734 pigeons district 7 Section 4 Limburg


Borker, Jens – Lingen (D)

Borker jens

10.09.2017 Rottendorf (366 km) RV 430 Jungtb.

1-2-3-6-26-47 (6/7)


Philippens P., Feeding (B)

philippens 2017

10/09/2017 Dizy-le-Gros (178 km) Union 184 Junge

1-2-3-4-5-11-25-56-57-58-62 (11 / 21Tb.)



european superstars 2017

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