Product of the week – KLAUS AminoPrime…

KLAUS AminoPrime prevents ernährungsbedigten Kalkmangelerscheinungen. The unique composition promotes an optimized spring training and optimal bone structure significantly. By the laid calcium requirements, it can prevent feather eating. Optimized information transmission in the nerves and the brain are a result.

Better birds with AminoPrime!

klaus aminoprime

Composition / Ingredients:

Water, calcium chloride

Water: 82% crude protein: 4% crude fiber: <0, 3% Rohfett: <0, 3% Ash: 12.8% lysine 2.8%
Methionin 1,8 % Calcium 4 %
Additives per 1000 ml:
Vitamins, pro u. chem. defined substances having similar effect:
E 672 Vitamin A 100000 i.E.
E 671 Vitamin D3 4000 i.E.


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