Ruhr flight from Hemau on June 11, 2017 – 25,719 pigeons…

1,123 breeders with 25,719 pigeons participated in the first Ruhr Flight 2017. An excellent history of the flight showed bankruptcy times of about 25 minutes in all associations and a balanced distribution of prizes.

The first prize and the Ruhr victory goes to Dortmund-Scharnhorst to strike Hans Goronz.


No unknown breeders in the Ruhr flights. Already in 2016 Hans Goronz won the Ruhr flight from Osterhofen.

The first bankruptcy in Zone 2 goes to the beat Bochum Paszkowiak, W+R+R+T+L.





they find the price list here…(click)


ruhrgebietsflug hemau 2017 info

ruhrgebiet flights in 2017


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