Herbots-Heller – another year at the top with Vanrobaeys diets…


For me this report is something very special. I write since 2009 and have started to write on July 11, the day of the double victory of the impact Community Herbots-Heller on Tarbes. At that time she was already among the front runners. There are 2009-2016 seven travel years passed and the SG is not to bring off the top. 2016 was again such a great year. There were played eight flights of more than 750 kilometers on 26 deals in the top 100 nationally scored: 4 nat. Barcelona, ​​8th nat. St Vincent, 13th nat. Agen, 23 nat. Marseille, etc. What struck me personally that the SG increasingly on the King Flight Barcelona “rotates”, 2014, it was the 8th nat., In 2015 she scored 14 Price nat. and this year they are nat in 4th place just next to the podium. landed. On the subject of price percentage – on the Catalonia-flight, they are also among the front runners in Germany: 2015 there were 7 of 12 and 2016 5 of 10. That is for the last two years 55% at 1: 4 with lots of lace. In the zone they won Barcelona 2015 and arrive this year ranked 3rd International this year there were also quite a peak prices. 27 int Barcelona with 17,729 pigeons, 8, 32 and 76. int year Agen 9,043 pigeons. 10 int. Saint Vincent 10,643 pigeons.


Who is behind the name Herbots-Heller? A whole team, in which everyone has a place and function. It is a Belgian and German blow Community, playing in Germany with the aim of: victories and successes on the international long distance. The travel impact is in Germany on the property of Ewald and Elvira Heller. A whole team I write? First, I think of Raf Herbots, the veterinarian. Then Jo, rental and Philipp, which provide access to world-class pigeons and last but not least to Ewald and Elvira Heller, the breeding and Dash Champion. Each has its function and gives his Best possible.


2016 hat mit der Untersuchung der Tauben durch Raf begonnen. Jedes Jahr wird das so gemacht, meistens Mitte April, kurz bevor die Reise beginnt. Um sicher zu sein, dass die Tauben gesund in die Saison einsteigen. Alle Tauben, Jährige und Alte, werden auf dem anspruchsvollen Programm der IG Weitstrecke eingespielt. Dieses Programm umfasste folgende Flüge: 2 x 92 km, weiter mit 2 x 128 km, 2 x 160 km, dann ein Flug von 221 km, gefolgt von 2 x 328 km und darauf hin 2 x 445 km. Gesamt waren das 2527 Kilometer, bevor die Weitstreckenflüge auf dem Programm standen. Die jährigen Tauben werden dann aufgeteilt auf Bordeaux IG Weitstrecke und Agen International und die Alten fliegen zwei bis drei internationale Weitstreckenflüge. Die Jährigen kommen nach der ersten Prüfung entweder auf Narbonne oder auf Marseille. Jede Taube muss um ihren Platz kämpfen. Eine jährige Taube, die keinen Preis fliegt, kommt ganz selten weiter. Bei den alten Tauben wird nicht nur auf die Preise geschaut sondern auch auf die Spitze. Ziel ist es Tauben zu haben, die richtig in die Spitze fliegen können. Die jungen Tauben kommen auch auf sechs bis zehn Flüge von 100 bis 400 Kilometer. Die meisten Jungtauben werden über den Winter behalten und dürfen das Jahr darauf um ihren Platz kämpfen. Motto der SG: „Lieber eine gute Junge als eine schlechte Alte“ !


From mid-April the pigeons are one to two times a week in Kabi. At the beginning of the journey they have every Wednesday and Sunday flights. If the flights continue every Sunday. On the other days of the week the pigeons flying committed two hours in the home. Only in this way come according to Ewald and Elvira the pigeons in the right shape to be played on an international long distance race and on to reach top prices. Of course, only pigeons can get through this program, which are well maintained. Health and good feeding are a “Got to”, The Hellers feed different varieties of Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpo, Initially there Premium Power Dynamic and Non Stop and at the end of the preparation, they get Non Stop with Top Energy, As long as eat the pigeons get more feed in the trough. Residues must not remain. At the end of preparation the pigeons get full trough, so that they can search out what they prefer to eat and / or what they need. The pigeons are fed morning and evening. Additional products come from the Firma Herbots – that's of course.


Here in Morsbach everything is done exactly: good training, good food – but this alone does not bring the top performance! No! To top services include top pigeons. Origin of these top pigeons are Bölting, Seegmüller, Kipp, Leßmeister, Koers, Walpot, Van Keulen, pattern, Klessens-De Lepper, Nouwen-Paesen etc. The common point of these various origins: These are the "non plus ultra" , If fetched from somewhere pigeons added, then from top pilots and / or top breeders in the first generation. There are also retrieved from the own crew, the pigeons on the breeding loft that could fly into the champion. Because it has been proven that such pigeons can inherit ability further.


On the subject of good pigeons, I do not want to forget the family Herbots. For example, the following pigeons were put on the breeding loft in Morsbach: 1. int Barcelona 2016 l nat... Barcelona NL 2008, l. Nat. Barcelona BE 2012, etc. In French "La crème de la crème".


Good pigeons and good supply and good training and good catering = top performance. This all sounds very simple, but as the recipe of the SG is Herbots-Heller. Personally, I would like to thank you for the good pigeons and the advice and the name of Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon: “Good flight” for the coming years!



Herbots / Heller

66482 Zweibrücken


Talstr. 28a

Tel. 06337 337



Source: Dove market Feb. 2017 ed .: Yannick Ungerer



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