AGEN International 2016 – Rekordteilnahme…

The International winner of Agen in the category “Old” is Jan Stevens (Schinveld, NL).
The pigeon was on Sunday at 18:12:50 AM with an average speed of 1250.41 m / min. registered.
agen 2016 earnings old

The International winner of Agen in the category “Years” is Emser Wolfgang (Homburg-Saar, Deutschland).
The pigeon was on Sunday at 17:07:18 AM with an average speed of 1245.98 m / min. registered.
2016 agent Emser

agen 2016 results

On the second International air race this season from Agen (Bordeaux) part 20 898 pigeons.

The Auflass is scheduled for Friday, 24 June 2016 scheduled.
Weather forecast: cloudy, weaker wind, local thundershower, West Wind

Last year, the competition was divided: 1st part of Germany and Holland, 2nd part Belgium, England and France.

2016 agent

Agent 2015
Double victory for Freialdenhofen & Sons to Agen
06348-13-595 and 06348-14-914 on positions 1 and 2

Nach einem Wochenende wie dem letzten sind Flüge wie Agen Balsam für die Seele. Am Freitag, 26. Juni 2015 erfolgte um 6.30 Uhr ein problemloser Start mit den Holländern zusammen. Ein gemeinsamer internationaler Flug hatte sich ergeben, weil es im Vorfeld Differenzen mit dem belgischen Veranstalter gegeben hatte. So halbierte sich die Konkurrenz nahezu. Die Aussichten waren gut und niemand zweifelte daran, dass es ein angenehmer Flug mit frühen Tauben werden würde. Insgesamt waren 12.600 Tauben zusammen gekommen, darunter immerhin 1181 deutsche Tauben. Agen ist eben vor allem für die Zone 2 und deren Jährige interessant. Daher die eher bescheidene Beteiligung aus Zone 1 und Zone 3, die denn auch alle der Zone 2 zugerechnet werden.

The national victory goes to Aldenhoven
For international victory was not enough, the Dutch secured the Verweij De Haan, whose dove covered the distance of 947 kilometers to the home blow with impressive 1358.74 m / m. By contrast, the two birds of free Alden Hofens came not to far. Nevertheless, it was enough for them with almost deft obvious for the national victory and the victory in the Years. Agen and Bordeaux earlier seem perfectly tailored for this stock. After an almost sluggish start the pigeons were then more numerous, so that the bankruptcy was already terminated early the next morning.
The National Winner of free Alden Hofens is a son of "Forrest Gump", a lot more you need to say in this case, after all fly the descendants repeatedly over the years top prizes. Agen is for the "595" also not new, last year he flew the 26th national prize.
Freialdenhofen agen 2015 winner
The first dove over 900 km showed the SG-pump Posser from Hamminkeln with 947 kilometers 19:35, equivalent to 10th place in the National List. The SG Eßer brought three pigeons in the top ten and also shows an overall satisfactory result. The first pigeon from Zone 1 showed the SG Zoller from Zweibrücken (762 km) at 18:21.

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