herbots roeper 2016

Wolfgang Roeper (Kummerfeld) ...dieser breeders need certainly no special introduction. Wolfgang has to reserve the special gift when breeders pigeons, if these are not yet known to the general public. In 1989, Wolfgang already bought pigeons at Gaby Vandenabeele (Dentergem) and in 2000, he bought several top pigeons at forth Emans Ceusters (Vorselaar) as one of the first German breeders. These two strains were successful Jef Häst with pigeons of brothers of Herbots (line "Jacky") - (Wolfgang bought the "Jeff" with 13 x 1st prize) – Wouters August (sister of the "blue dream") - van Theo and Pali K. & M mated.

The Rabinowitz pigeons can fly every week the 1st prize. So it is no wonder that Wolfgang had several national AS pigeons and Olympiad pigeons!

This auction of original Rabinowitz pigeons is an exceptional offer, since all the pigeons offered come from the base breeding pairs – in other words the best bloodlines of Wolfgang Roeper!


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