With Vanrobaeys, you opt for top quality…

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Vanrobaeys is and remains a family-owned company that began in 1965 with the production of pigeon feed. It grew until today to one of the strongest brand of pigeon feed is fed by many Belgian and international top pigeon fanciers happy.
Vanrobaeys stands for quality, passion and perfection. The high quality is very important when Vanrobaeys. A variety of pigeon feed mixes, which are adapted to the seasons, setting out the special nutritional needs of the deaf. Here are the differences between breeding, travel, moult and winter of great importance.
Vanrobaeys stands for innovation, because in this day and age, healthy pigeons need balanced pigeon feed mixes.
Therefore Vanrobaeys adapts continuously the current trends of the 21st century, what is appreciated by the customers.
"You have the best loft and the best pigeons in the world, without a top-class quality pigeon feed the successes will remain you!"


vanrobaeys tom
Tom de Meester – Vanrobaeys pigeon feed



Here you will find everything about Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpoProducts in the new catalogue of 2016…(click)



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Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpoThey buy products here…(click)

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